Wildlife Veterinarian Job Description The typical routine for a wildlife vet may include: sedating animals for exams and performing exams giving vaccinations, taking blood samples, and administering fluids, performing surgeries when needed prescribing medications evaluating and treating wounds taking x-rays and ultrasounds cleaning teeth assisting with captive breeding programs providing “intensive care” for very young animals abandoned by their parents.
Wildlife Veterinarian Interests, Skills, and High School Studies Required As a wildlife veterinarian you must have an interest in: ALL TYPES OF ANIMALS Being a caregiver You will need skills such as: strong communication skills ability to work as a member of a team. physical adeptness and self-possession to work with large or potentially dangerous animals. Problem-solving and decision-making capabilities
Wildlife Veterinarian Interests, Skills, and High School Studies Required High School Studies requirements: Basic course requirements (Freshmen Admission requirements)
Bachelors degree (4 years) in Pre- Veterinary Veterinary School Veterinary Medical Education in the U.S. is 4 years beyond undergraduate degree. After completing the D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) or V.M.D. Degrees / Years of Study Required
Top State and National Colleges The top state college for veterinarian medicine is Louisiana State University Top 3 national colleges for veterinarian medicine : University of Findlay Boise State University University of Kentucky
LSU Entrance Requirements Prospective freshmen interested in admission to LSU must have: a 3.0 unweighted academic GPA based on 19 core units ACT 22 composite score, with an 18 English subscore and a 19 math subscore. SAT of a 1030 critical reading and math composite score, with a 450 critical reading score and a 460 math score.
Veterinarian Projected Job Market Employment of veterinarians is projected to grow 12 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. It isn’t unusual for vets to work 50 hours or more per week Candidates can expect very strong competition for most veterinarian positions
Veterinarian Income Potential veterinarians earned a median salary of $84,460 in The best-paid veterinarians earned $144,100 The lowest-paid earned $51,530.
Works cited "10 Top Pre-Veterinary Schools & Colleges." Vet Tech Colleges. Web. 12 Oct "Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 11 Oct "The Classes I Need to Take in High School Before College to Be a Vet Tech | The Classroom | Synonym." The Classroom. Web. 14 Oct "Wildlife Veterinarian: A Career Profile." About. Web. 13 Oct "What Degrees or Requirements Do You Need for a Veterinarian?" Work. Web. 13 Oct