Building Academic Vocabulary in the Art Room Language Arts Grades K-3 Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Sandy Garrett State Superintendent of Public Instruction Oklahoma State Department of Education
Kindergarten Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze
Remember/Understand Kindergarten Word List alphabetletter alphabetletter bookauthor bookauthor rhymename rhymename follow directions
Apply Kindergarten Word List retell listening skill vowel consonant lower case uppercase
Create Kindergarten Word List topbottom front coverback cover samedifferent rhyme rhyme
Analyze Kindergarten Word List titlewords fairy tale sight words picture book
First Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze
Remember/Understand First Grade Word List alphabetize vocabulary table of contentstitle page spellingpunctuation question markperiod date (written form)chapter
Apply First Grade Word List language vowel long vowel short vowel noun verb singular plural consonant beginning consonant ending consonant
Create First Grade Word List blendillustratebeginningmiddleend
Analyze First Grade Word List rereadpredict character discuss conversation poem sentencesetting
Second Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze
Remember/Understand Second Grade Word List comprehensioncontraction dictionarythesaurus fiction nonfiction guidewordssynonyms homonymhomophone quotation (mark)
Apply Second Grade Word List adjective apostrophe compound wordbase word prefixsuffix sequencingpronoun
Create Second Grade Word List fluentpurpose visualizationinfer causeeffect
Analyze Second Grade Word List topic folk tale summarize main character informational text
Third Grade Remember/Understand Apply Create Analyze
Remember/Understand Third Grade Word List biographyencyclopediaglossaryimperativeindexinferences
Apply Third Grade Word List context clues chapter headings abbreviation run-on sentences adverb interrogative conjunction opinion declarative persuasion exclamatory possessive
Create Third Grade Word List revisethemesubject main idea
Analyze Third Grade Word List story elements modern fantasy historical fiction chronological order check for understanding contemporary realistic fiction multi-meaning words (homonyms)