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Presentation transcript:


LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 1. If you truly love Creator God for giving you life, freewill, knowledge of good and evil, discernment, wisdom and His creative power to co-create with Him, you will not love anyone or anything else in place of Him.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 2. If you love Creator God you will not make any idols or images that you honor in place of Him.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 3. If your love is sincere, you shall love and honor Creator God with your entire life and being.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 4. If you love Creator God, you will not dishonor His name.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 5. You shall respect each new day as being sacred, for each is a gift to you from Creator God.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 6. If you love yourself, you will honor your mother and your father who gave you life.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 7. If you love your fellowman, you will not murder anyone. Killing to preserve your life or that of your family is not murder.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 8. If you truly follow the Law of Love, you will have sex with no one other than your life- long marriage partner of the opposite sex.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 9. If you love your fellowman, you will not steal anything materially or emotionally from anyone.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 10. If you love your fellowman, you will not desire to have anything that belongs to anyone else.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 11. If you love your fellowman, you will not impose your freewill upon the freewill of anyone else.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 12. If you love your fellowman, you will not judge anyone as a human being. Rather, you will judge wisely their actions that are contrary to the Laws of Creator God.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 13. If you love yourself, you will behave wisely so that the energy you send out will be the energy that you desire to have returned to you from ten to one hundred times.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 14. If you have love, you will honor all commitments that you make in service to Creator God.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 15. If you truly love Creator God, yourself and your fellowman, you will obey the wisdom of Creator God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 16. If you love your fellowman, you will treat others the way that you wish others to treat you.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 17. If you love yourself and your fellowman, you will learn the signs of evil and avoid them.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS 18. If you truly have love, you will not enslave any human being of God, either physically or emotionally.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS Creator God's Love is unconditional, and His interpretation of His Law of Love is unconditional. The eighteen Laws of God and the Creation are unconditional, yet man's ego wants to challenge that which is absolute. That is our choice. We have a freewill to choose, but the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is also absolute. There are always consequences for our choices, and we will repeat our lessons in soul growth until we have learned them. That, too, is absolute.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS Truthbringers and Truthseekers alike must go within and seek wisdom and discernment from the Realms of Light. No one can determine for you what is Truth. Some will find Truth where others do not. Some will find Truth in ways that others do not.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS Discernment of Truth is achieved with practice. Go within for answers. In your day-to- day experiences your Guardian Angels will give you "nudges". These "nudges" give you feelings of either negative or positive vibrations. This is referred to as your "gut feelings". You may feel troubled. You may have a feeling within of things being questioned, or that things are not right. Be open and responsive to these feelings. You may hear voices talking to you in your mind. Listen to them and discern their meanings. Always ask if these feelings and voices are of the Light, and always clear your space of all negativity.

LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, REPHRASED IN SIMPLE TERMS Know that the "lie" always brings disharmony and imbalance. When your heart sings within, you know you are at peace. You then know the joy of the discernment of Truth. In the end Truth always brings balance and harmony. May you learn to judge all that you read, and all that you see and hear without and within, according to your highest understanding of the Law of Love, the Law of One, and may you truly know the joy of the discovery of Truth for yourself.