South Gloucestershire CCG’s Commissioning Priorities Dave Jarrett Director of Operations June 2015
Context It’s not all about the money but….. South Gloucestershire CCG is the 8th lowest funded CCG in the England in per capita terms. While there’s been progress towards tackling the structural deficit that the CCG inherited, we reported a deficit of £6.7m last year. More than half of the adults in South Gloucestershire are overweight, raising their risk of developing diabetes and other long term conditions. Health care for patients with a single long-term condition currently costs on average £3,000 per year whilst for those with three or more conditions costs nearly £8,000 per year. The CCG receives £997 per head of population. Rising life expectancy is an enormous challenge for South Gloucestershire. By 2018, there is expected to be a 26% rise in the very elderly (over 85s) and 11% in the elderly (over 65s) June 2015 South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group: - Leading you to Better Health
Our priorities for 2015/16 - building the foundations for transforming services Transforming care planning and care coordination The Better Care Fund programme for integrating health & social care services Bringing together primary and community services in virtual wards to coordinate care Connecting Care IT Programme to facilitate care coordination across health & social care Population level health improvement, working with public health colleagues Primary care services fit for the future – providing better access to more services Development of new primary care provider models Primary care support 7 days a week for patients with complex needs or approaching end of life A new primary care frailty service Public involvement in shaping services and making difficult choices June 2015 South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group: - Leading you to Better Health
Our priorities for 2015/16 – good quality services that we can afford An effective and efficient hospital service providing first class medical care Achievement of NHS constitution standards System working to improve patient flow through local hospitals (planned and unplanned care) Effective systems for quality assurance and safeguarding A better experience of routine outpatient services Reduce multiple appointments, increase the availability of clinics in community facilities in Yate and Cossham, and develop community based alternatives to hospital based services Review and improve musculoskeletal pathways Transformed urgent and emergency services, including in primary care & other community settings Continue implementation of our urgent and emergency care strategy, working closely with key partners. Transformed rehabilitation, recovery & reablement services, greatly reducing time spent in hospital Continue implementation of the new model of care, focusing on community capacity Commission development of infrastructure for services at Thornbury and Frenchay June 2015 South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group: - Leading you to Better Health
Our priorities for 2015/16 – good quality services that we can afford Better community adult health services, especially for the elderly Commission an integrated respiratory service, and a diabetic specialist nurse service Continue with the development of End of Life Care Coordination Services, including single point of access & rapid access community care Improved mental health services, and better access to physical health services for people living with mental health problems Secure achievement of new national standards for improving access Re-procurement of IAPT (talking therapies) services Undertake a full review of inpatient services provided by AWP Better community health services for children and young people, including mental health services Improve capacity & performance of mental health services for children & young people Better dementia awareness across South Gloucestershire, and improved skills of staff working with older people Continue to work with care homes, enhancing support available (GP and pharmacist) and skills for caring for people with Dementia June 2015 South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group: - Leading you to Better Health