Servicescapes in Facility Management
Servicescape Other tangibles Physical facility ---(interior & exterior) Ambient conditions ---(temp. colors, noises, smells) Other tangibles
Impact of Service Environment Purchase decision Expectations Service quality evaluations Satisfaction
Examples of Physical Evidence from the Customer’s Point of View Parking Seating Restrooms Stadium exterior Ticketing area Concession Areas Entrance Playing Field
A Framework for Understanding Environment-User Relationships in Service Organizations PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSIONS HOLISTIC ENVIRONMENT INTERNAL RESPONSES BEHAVIOR Cognitive Emotional Physiological Individual Behaviors Employee Responses Ambient Conditions Space/Function Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts Perceived Servicescape Social Interactions between and among customer and employees Customer Responses Individual Behaviors Cognitive Emotional Physiological
Maximizing the Service Environment 1. Recognize strategic impact 2. Blueprint 3. Clarify roles of the Servicescape 4. Assess and identify physical evidence opportunities 5. Update and modernize
Servicescape Positioning Cost Efficiency Firm (Technical) Employees Customers Service Quality (Functional) Customization
Objectives and Goals Customization Functional Service Meet Needs of Customers Functional Service Meet needs of customers Technical Service Maximize employee efficiency Cost Efficiency Reduce costs and increase productivity
Physical Facility Exterior Appearance Interior Appearance Ambient Conditions Interpersonal Factors Employee Appearance Employee Behavior
Efficiency and Quality Cost Efficiency Maximize efficiency & productivity Customization Focus on customers Technical Service Quality Maximize quality of technical output Functional Service Quality Maximize quality of customer interaction
Key Servicescape Questions Perceived Servicescape Overall the physical environment pleases me Ambient Dimension The physical environment is clean The temperature at the facility is pleasant The physical environment has the appropriate lighting
Social Dimension Design Dimension The employees are helpful and friendly The customers are helpful and friendly Design Dimension Aesthetic The architecture is attractive The interior layout is pleasing Functional The physical facilities are pleasing The restrooms are designed well