Emerson Educational Services Capabilities Overview Sales Presentation Latin America Feb. 5, 2015 Educational Services can help you maximize your most important investment… your people!
Emerson Process Management Lifecycle Services’ Portfolio Helping Customers keep their plants running Safely, Reliably and Efficiently thru their Lifecycle Performance Services Optimization Performance Process Audits, Site Surveys Asset Managers & Resident Engineers Brownfield Engineering Services Educational Services Integrated Turnarounds & Long Term Service Agreements Reliability & Optimization Industry Solutions Remote Monitoring Consulting & Problem Solving Reliability Services Predictive Assets Upgrades Assets Replacements Parts Management Start Up & Commissioning Basic BU’s Turnarounds Long Term Service Agreements Guardian Maintenance Contracts Diagnostics Technologies & Contracts Maintenance Services Preventative Certified Repair Field Services Critical Spares Quick Ship 24/7 Support line Calibration Services Resources, Expertise, Technologies, Tools, Work Practices
Factors Impacting the Human Capital Challenges Facing the Industry Key Points: Challenges facing the industry 1. Retiring Workforce, Inexperienced Workers, Fewer Incoming Workers Turnover Motivation Career Path
Americas Workforce Environment Source: Manpower Consulting - Argentina McKinsey Global Institute, The world at work: Jobs, pay, and skills for 3.5 billion people. 2012.
Constraints around Americas Workforce Source: Manpower Consulting - Argentina
Unskilled Personnel Create Financial Stress in Companies Source: Manpower Consulting - Argentina
How are Companies Responding to Balance the Uneven Workforce Source: Manpower Consulting - Argentina
Why is Educational Services Important for You? Additional to a Revenue Opportunity, Educational Services is critical to: Create Awareness Maintain/Position Emerson as the Experts in Automation MRO/Product Pull effect Give you access to high level management in your site Referrals + Repurchase Technology + Services Factors at Play Positioning Reputation Advisor Educational Services Maintenance Diagnostic
Sizing the Opportunity for Emerson Educational Services Our customers are training their employees mostly using other Automation Educational Services Providers and other local Service Providers. Current Market Share Growth Opportunity Those who train you and also those you see as The Experts LA OEM’s Growth: 10.4% CAGR LA Emerson Planned Growth: 27.5% CAGR Source Source Supplier Provided Automation Services Global Market Research Study
Emerson Educational Services Mission Provide customers a sustainable, competitive edge by delivering training solutions to help them maximize their investment with Emerson products / systems and PlantWeb technologies Employees Enabling success to promote career advancement, specialization and preparation for leadership roles Learning Partner providing solutions not just products Performance improvement and cost reduction Manage change, new technology Maximize “Plant Automation” benefits Comply with government regulations Growing skills and diverse cultures to drive results Companies Enabling success to promote sustainability and operational excellence. Key Points: Mission, Learning Partner providing solutions not just products, performance improvement and cost reduction, maximize plant automation benefits
IACET Accredited Training Provider Emerson Process Management Educational Services is an IACET authorized training provider. The International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is the premier standards-setting organization for continuing education and training. Our strategic mission is to promote IACET standards as a benchmark for quality program delivery. IACET Authorized Providers are an elite group of educators dedicated to quality in continuing education and training. Consumers trust the IACET CEU because they know that the Authorized Providers’ processes must follow the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training and have been thoroughly assessed by a third party. Key Points: Emerson Process Management Educational Services is an IACET authorized training provider.
Emerson Global Educational Services Europe Locations 25 Instructors 119 U.S. & Canada Locations 18 Instructors 154 Asia-Pacific Locations 16 Instructors 105 Middle East & Africa Locations 6 Instructors 36 Latin America Locations 8 Instructors 20 Summary Locations 73 Instructors 434
Emerson Educational Services Training Options Product Training Asset Optimization Fisher Control Valves & Instruments Daniel DeltaV™ /PROVOX™ /RS3™ Syncade™ Smart Operations Management Suite Liquid & Process Analytical Machinery Health™ Management Measurement Micro Motion Ovation® / WDPF® Regulators Remote Automation Solutions Roxar PlantWeb® Process Training Plant Safety Process Control & Loop Tuning Refining Process Training Key Points: Educational Services offers a wide breadth of training options to choose from. Includes both product and process training.
Emerson Educational Services Training Delivery Platform Options Value Operator / Maint Training Solutions Complete Training Solutions Services to fit your needs and meet your objectives Design Development Testing Training ‘As-built’ Courseware Scenarios Scoring Reports Architecture Options On-Site / Traditional Classroom Instructor led On-site or factory locations Locations worldwide Local Language support Hands-on Engineering Maintenance Operations V-Learning Instructor Led No travel required Key Points: Educational Services offers multiple training platforms that can be used to suit your needs. eLearning Training Hands on, ‘learn-by-doing’ Self paced training Available via the internet Progress monitored with LMS Consulting Services Specialization
Emerson Educational Services Traditional Classroom & On-Site Training In House (open/closed) In Company (Customer’s plant) Certified and specialized Instructors Hands On Workshops Local language support
Emerson Educational Services eLearning Hands-on, learn-by-doing including workshops Available via the internet Train on your schedule, no travel required Key Points: Hands-on, available via the internet, training on your schedule, no travel and some 28 courses.
Emerson Educational Services Virtual Classroom Training Key Points: Instructor-Led, Professional Curriculum, Attend from Anywhere, No travel https://emersonprocess.adobeconnect.com/_a13754005/p11116600/
Plant Personnel: Asset or Liability? Training Determines the Difference: 1st - Training Assessments the Human Centered Design (HCD) approach 2nd – Training Assessments result in Targeted Training 3rd – Targeted Training is more effective and reduces cost Proven Case Studies Total Hours of Study for all Job Roles Post Assessment Pre Assessment Training Days Post Assessment Pre Assessment Key Points: Training Determines the Difference, Targeted Training is more effective and reduces costs
Training Assessments – Targeted Design & Plan Develop Agreement Explore Implement Initial customer contact Phone and/or face-to-face meeting Identify training requirements Identify key stakeholders to move forward Submit training assessment proposal Training Assessment kick off meeting Define business objectives Define KPIs Define job roles Identify SMEs Identify test questions Conduct pre assessments Conduct skills gap analysis Define training deliverables Identify resource requirements Define training development timeline Submit proposal for training program development Develop OTS Develop MTS Finalize post assessments Develop instructor led training Develop on-line training Conduct train-the-trainer sessions Deploy blended training solutions Evaluate and refresh curriculum Agree to training assessment Agree to training program development <<< Lifecycle Services Consulting Process >>>
Training On Demand. Competency development program Automation and Process Control Control Systems Flow Solutions Final Control Elements Measure and Analyze Industrial Area Engineering Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Operational Process Work Areas Certification Levels Delivery Methods Traditional Classroom e-Learnig Virtual Class
Emerson Educational Services Targeted Training Example Challenge Need to maximize Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) capability Expedite 8 graduate engineers productivity Provide broad technical knowledge of automation Program Scope Definition of business objectives Pre-Examination Design/Delivery of 19 week training program 8 Emerson Training Business Units PSS/AO/MHM, Daniel, Fisher, Rosemount Analytical, Micro Motion, RAS and Roxar Post Examination Result Delivered multi-business unit targeted training program for 8 graduate engineers Post examination results revealed notable increased level with knowledge of automation Company looking to repeat program at other sites
Educational Service Contract Camilla Elias (July/14) Scope Provision of educational services providing enrollment for the participation of employees of Petrobras on trainings provided by Emerson. Included all trainings of the Educational Service Catalog - Brazil. Duration: 1095 Days Bu´s Included PGS; FLOW ; RAS; FCS; RAI; RMD Project Value Approx. $200K GP 40% FIRST EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT IN BRAZIL
Your Customers can Rely on Emerson Educational Services for Their Team’s Training Needs! Help your customer maximize the return on their most important investment – their employees. Targeted, flexible training designed to satisfy the organizations needs Numerous topic and learning platform combinations available Training delivered by experts Certified instructors have application expertise and field experience Proven student satisfaction ratings Courses and instructors assessed after each course Key Points: Rely on Emerson’s Educational Services Educational Services for your training needs! Offer, Targeted Training designed to your organizations needs, Training by Experts, and consistently receive high student satisfaction scores. Let us help you maximize the return on your most important investment – your EMPLOYEES.
How to Start the Conversation Becoming knowledgeable / conversant on a topic Being prepared to engage with a customer on a solution- oriented sale Finding answers / support (application experts, tools, etc.) Completing post-call sales tasks: Lead time inquiries Sending information to customers Delivery status
Understanding your Customer Base Customer Knowledge Installed Base Training History Expansion/Growing Plans Training Needs Cycle/Rotation Product/Services Customized Training Delivery
Our Customers in LA are Our Best Reference
What Questions to Ask? Understanding your Customer’s Organization When securing the meeting with HR or Senior Management What is the number to employees involved in the automation process relative to the size of the company? Need to understand what is the target. When was the last time they trained with us? Have they trainer with any competitor? Are you talking to the right person? Who makes the decision when it comes to training? Is it centralized or by departments/sites? – Obtain the name and leverage your contacts to secure an appointment with the decision maker Do they have expansion plans? What type of concerns they have related to quality of work/training the employees? Do they experience high rotation rates? What interest them? Product training, application training? Do they get a fiscal benefit for money invested in training? Do they have a training program directed to new employees? Are they more interested in training onsite or are they willing so send people to our main training centers? Are they interested in eLearning or virtual Learning? How much do they typically spend in training? When is the budget assigned? How is training managed within your customer’s organization? Is there opportunity to offer them some English language training – mostly eLearning?
Anticipating Pushback We don’t have budget for training At Emerson we offer a variety of options than can accommodate your budget (online training typically costs less) We can sign a master agreement, which will grant you a discount. Bottom line: The more you invest the higher the discount Let us understand what your needs are and we will work with you I have seen your catalog and you don’t’ have what I need Through our consulting program we can work with you to address your specific needs We can work with your HR department to assess the current knowledge of your employees in relation to the task they perform We will offer training directly related to closing those gaps at the level needed; which translates in efficiency for your operation and budget allocated only to the areas of need. Need training but cannot travel Onsite training – Our instructors can deliver the class at the plant or where the customer needs Virtual Training – Real time delivery of classes material direct to the desktop (Delta V Simulator) eLearning – Course material online, available 24/7 Blended Learning – Real time delivery of eLearning courses with the added benefit of having a facilitator High Rotation – Not worth to invest in training What if you train your employees and they leave… but what if you don’t train them and they stay? Lack of training causes mistakes, low productivity, possible plant shutdown, lost of revenue for the business and possible lost of lives We train our people – We don’t need to hire anyone Emerson Process Management is the leading company in process automation Our trainers and technicians have a vast experience in many industries, applications and products Employees tend to feel more motivated if they feel the company is investing in them and in return they show more loyalty
Sales Support Collateral Presentation Emerson Educational Services (ENG, SPA, PTG) – Sales Portal Brochure Emerson Educational Services (ENG, SPA, PTG) – Sales Portal Educational Services Point Solution Brief (aid to drive the conversation) – Sales Portal Course Advisor – PC and Smart Phone App (ENG) Emerson Educational Services Website – Latin America Landing Page (changes coming in March) http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/edservices/globaltrainingcenters/Pages/contacts.aspx
Call to Action! Identify Pain Owner: who is concerned about People Development, Motivation and Retention. Usually upper management. Identify budget Manager(s): who makes decisions relative to people development and training Secure meetings Pain Owner and Decision Maker and talk about Human Development challenges, career development and training needs and to explain Emerson Educational Services Capabilities Arrange a consulting meeting to bring a proposal related to their needs Veronica and your local Educational Service Leader will support you in the pursuit, develop the proposal and will help in closing the deal Lets target at least one meeting in Q2