Online schooling K-12 Shelby Wagner, Kearstin Hamilton, Zach Richardson, Bridget Pelzel, Jamie Ostendorf
History of Online Learning o The origin of online learning began around the time that computers became available for personal use. o The idea was based off of a writing Ivan Illich, a social critic, wrote in 1971 called “Deschooling Society.” o Mid 90’s was when online learning took its peak
o In 1999, online educational tools where introduced such as blackboard and eCollege o Usage of online learning increased 65% between o By % of colleges had online classes. o In 2012, between all grades in education, two million students are taking online classes.
First Online School o University of Phoenix was the first online correspondence school in 1989 o Jones International University was the first fully accredited online school founded in 1993
Currently in Online Schools
Student Trends in Online School o In a 5 year study there has been an increase of over 450% for full-time online enrollment. o For students taking at least one online class was over 230% increase o Making the full-time total in 2010 about 275,000 o And the one class total about 2,500,000
Competencies and Standards o International Standards UNESCO: ICT Competency Standards for Teachers o National Standards International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] International Association for K–12 Online Learning (iNACOL) Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) National Education Association (NEA)
iNACOL National Standards o They meet the professional teaching standards established by a state licensing agency or has academic credentials in the field in which they are teaching. o They have the prerequisite technology skills to teach online. o Their plans, designs and strategies are to encourage active learning, interaction, participation and collaboration in the online environment. o They provides online leadership in a manner that promotes student success through regular feedback, prompt response and clear expectations. o They model legal, ethical and safe behavior related to technology use. o The teacher has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student.
o They understand and is responsive to students with special needs in the online classroom. o They demonstrate competencies in creating and implementing assessments in online learning environments in ways that assure validity and reliability of instruments and procedures. o They develop and deliver assessments, projects and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assesses learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. o They demonstrate competencies in using data and findings from assessments and other data sources to modify instructional methods and content and to guide student learning. o They demonstrate frequent and effective strategies that enable both teacher and students to complete self- and per-assessments. o They collaborates with colleagues. o They arrange media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment.
An online school
Curriculum o The courses are designed to help students gain the knowledge and thinking skills they'll need for life, work, and higher education. o The curriculum identify goals first, they have standards that have to be met. The lessons are created around the goals. There are hundreds of courses that are very flexible. o The curriculum is feared toward special skills. They have a visual and performing arts academy. There is a sports academy, and even a science and technology academy. Julliard has an eLearning program through connections academy. o They offer Career Technical Education courses. They would make there transition to college more successful.
Teachers o The teachers are certified in their grade level and subject area. o The teachers have bachelors degrees and some have masters and other advanced degrees. o The teachers connect with their students and parents through live lessons, webmail, field trips, phone calls, and face to face meetings.
Extracurricular Activities o There are many ways for students to meet other online learning students. They do group projects They go on educated field trips They join a club o They offer any type of club you can think of.
Future of Online Learning
Expectations o It has been predicted that half of all high school classes will be online by o It was claimed that a state could save more than $4.5 million if one percent of the students enrolled in two online courses. o It is believed that online learning has the power to personalize learning, as well as making sure all students have access to quality teaching. o Shortfalls in state budgets will likely lead to increased online learning from state virtual schools to the district level.
Reasoning behind Expectations Growing commercial market for online schooling. Low Budgets at state and local levels. Teacher Shortages The pressure to expand learning opportunities. The need to improve graduation rates and lower dropout rates.
Plans The NEA (Guide to teaching online courses) recommends that teacher licensure bodies include the ability to instruct online as part of the evaluation of those seeking to enter the teaching profession. The Digital learning council recommend that states should provide alternative teacher certification routes, including online instruction and performance based certification.
Pros and Cons for online Learning
Cons Inappropriate learning medium for dependent learners. Technological skills required to operate Lack of Economical or logistical means to participate in classes Technology is not always 100% reliable Some subjects are difficult to address such as music, theater or sports
Pros Anytime! Anyplace! Allows students to move at their own pace. Great for independent learners Due to anonymity, discrimination due to age, dress, physical appearance, disabilities, race and gender are largely absent Easier to produce experts or instructors from other institutions
Is online learning worth pursuing? Although there is no perfect solution, Online learning my address some of the issues presented to conventional learning environments. It can be practical for soldiers abroad, families that frequently move or even support home schooling parents. "We complain that learners want to be spoon fed, but then we won't let them hold the spoon." Jane Bozarth
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