© Neeraj Suri EU-NSF ICT March 2006 Dependable Embedded Systems & SW Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 SS 2006 Lecture 0: Administration Prof. Neeraj Suri Andréas Johansson Constantin Sârbu Brahim Ayari
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration2 Persons Prof. Neeraj Suri Tel: 06151/ Office hours: via Andréas Johansson Tel: 06151/ Office hours: Thursday 13:30-15:00 Elisabeth Georgii Tel: 06151/ Office hours: Monday, 14:00 – 15:00 Dr. Jens Gallenbacher Tel: 06151/ Sprechstunde: via Brahim Ayari Tel: 06151/ Office hours: via Constantin Sârbu Tel: 06151/ Office hours: via Lorenz Weizsäcker Tel: 06151/ Office hours: via Lecture: Labs: Exercises: En De
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration3 Administrative Homepage: All news, dates and important material will be posted on the course web page or Mailing lists: not used Forum: Fachschaftsforum Course runs parallel to the German version “Grundlagen der Informatik 2”, Dr. J. Gallenbacher! Both courses share resources www pages Labs Exercises Etc.
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration4 Lectures - Rules Lecture Tuesdays S202/C120 Wednesdays S306/052 Please be on time! 5 minutes break? Please turn off your cell phones! Drinks/snacks are OK, but please throw the garbage afterwards
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration5 Material Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas Cormen et al., 2 nd Edition, MIT Press, 2001 Additional material for special themes: Memory and index structures, Search algorithms for graphical data, mobile data, data warehousing etc. Will be posted on the web before the lecture
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration6 Additional Material in German You can also use the German “Scripts” Prof. Dr. T. Härder (Uni Kaiserslauten) Prof. Dr. H. Waldschmidt (TUD) The CORMEN book is the main source for our lecture,use the scripts carefully, as there are some incompatibilities with our lecture!
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration7 Exercises Must be passed to qualify for the exam 12 Exercise sheets, with home assignments (one per week) 10 Home assignments must be handed in, for the exam, at least 50% of the points must be achieved Each person is requested (4 times, unannounced) to present the home assignment in class. One may fail only once! First exercise on 02.05, exercise sheets will be handed out then and there Office hours: TBA on the web page
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration8 Exercises - Registration Registration for the exercises only possible over the Internet! See the web page! WebReg System RBG Account needed Favorites and exclusion times Assignment on exclusion times will be avoided Favorites will be considered, when possible No late registration/changes possible! Registration is open! Registration interval ends on April 21, 17:00! Assignments will be available on April 21 (evening)
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration9 Labs Language: Java Responsible: Andréas Johansson Assistance available from tutors in Pool E003 Schedule on web page 5 tasks, from which 4 must be approved qualification for exam!!! Team work is possible, but every student is “tested” individually! Tasks can be solved in teams of maximum 3 students
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration10 Labs Assistance and Testing weeks In testing weeks no assistance, and vice versa Testing is done by the tutors The decision of the tutor (passed/failed) cannot be questioned. If you feel unjustly treated, contact the administrative staff. Registration for the tests through WebReg Solutions must be electronically handed in before the start of the testing week. See web page for details.
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration11 Labs (Dates) Shared testing week July July 23:59 June 124 & 5 June June 23:59 May 223 May 29 – June 2 May 23:59 May 22 May May 23:59 April 181 Testing period DeadlineHanded outTask#
ICS-II Lecture 0: Administration12 Exam - Rules Date: To be announced Place: To be announced Allowed tools: To be announced Conditions for admittance: 4 of 5 approved lab assignments 10 of 12 home assignments handed in 50% of the points on the home assignments Only failed the exercise test once