Welcome to CSCI-1305! Introduction to Information Technology Instructor: Deborah Batson The seat you take today will be your assigned seat for the semester Log in to the computer using your NGU username and password Start Internet Explorer and go to
Mrs. Deborah Batson Your Instructor for this Class MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional Member Microsoft Teaching with Technology Partners in Learning for Educators North Greenville University Limestone College 20 + years of experience as Software and Business Corporate Trainer
Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people. Colossians 3:23.
How we integrate faith with learning… We will start each class with a brief devotional and prayer. Your prayer requests and concerns are welcome. Your praise and celebrations are welcome. We use our devotional time to focus on important stuff!
A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13 What makes your heart glad? Your face shows your heart. Others know your heart by what they see on your face. A smile is your best facial! A joyful soul enhances your appearance more than anything else. A troubled heart clouds your face and your mind. Wise men and women guard their hearts.
Who Are We ? Tell us your name Where you are from One interesting fact about yourself
What Is Office 2013 And This Course? Hardware, software, networking, Internet
Log on – Log Off Make it your habit to remember to log off! Important web sites: ngu.blackboard.com sam.cengage.com Use Your NGU User Name And Password To Sign On To The Computer
ngu.blackboard.com (no
sam.cengage.com (no
New Student Form Fill in completely Choose your correct section number Your seat number is under the monitor screen Information will not be shared or distributed
Projects come from the book AND from the sam.cengage.com web site Locate and use the student data files Follow directions carefully! Check off each step Help each other You will have book projects we will start in class, and online projects you will complete as homework assignments.
Mac or PC? If you use a Mac, see ask for information on using our online virtual PC.
Computer Lab Locations Crain Science Building Room 229 Foster Education Building Room 4A Crain Science Building Room 111 (Downstairs) Library
When you come to class... Take your assigned seat Read board at the beginning of each class for instructions to prepare for class DON’T MISS CLASS! You are not permitted to miss more classes 4 times and pass the course
Guidelines Instructors are willing to help you – just us! You need a flash drive for storing your projects. Due dates do not change or cancel, even if class cancels. You may use PC computers in computer labs when needed. You may not miss more than four classes. Three tardies = 1 absence If you must miss an exam, it MUST be an emergency. Contact must be made with your instructor prior to the absence in order to make arrangements for a make-up exam. Cell phones and other devices (headphones, iPods, iPads, etc.) are not permitted in the classrooms. Check your for announcements
“Do Right” Cheating: No cheating will be tolerated. Guidelines in the university catalog and handbook will be followed. This will result in expulsion from class with a failing grade and possible expulsion from NGU. Plagiarism: No plagiarism will be tolerated. Plagiarism is cheating. Destruction of School Property will not be tolerated: This includes defacing desks, breaking computer equipment, etc. Sleeping in class will not be tolerated. If asked to leave class, it counts as an absence. No Cell Phones or other devices in the classroom.
“Do Right” According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
How You Are Graded
Assessment Test You must have your sam.cengage.com account set up BEFORE you can take the assessment. Have your SAM electronic card by next class so we can set it up. You assessment exam will take place during your third class. Helps us know where we are Does NOT count as a regular grade DOES count against you if you don’t take it
Where to go to stay in the know?
Homework Assignment Come to next class with all materials Download and read syllabus Complete verification form for syllabus
How does class end? Class does not end until you hear me say you are dismissed.
THANK YOU! See you next week. Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people. Colossians 3:23.