Humans are the Primary Cause of Global Warming The science indicates humans are the primary cause of global warming at the >95% probability (In science.


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Presentation transcript:

Humans are the Primary Cause of Global Warming The science indicates humans are the primary cause of global warming at the >95% probability (In science that is a virtual certainty)

Why We Know That Humans are the Cause The following graphs will show why we know that humans are the primary cause of global warming. There is a direct correlation between the measured human emissions of greenhouse gases, the rise in atmospheric greenhouse gases, and the rise in temperature. The rates of increase in each is unprecedented. There is a direct correlation between the growth in the human population and the rise in greenhouse gases and temperature. Computer simulations indicate that only human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases can cause the observed rise in temperature of the atmosphere and other Earth systems (Oceans, Continents and Ice). No other natural causes can account for the present rapid rise in temperature and CO 2. The present rate CO 2 increase is about 20,000 faster than natural rates.

Climate Drivers

Temperature, CO 2 Concentrations and Carbon Emissions

The rate of emissions and amount of increase in CO 2 is Unprecedented

Only Human-caused Greenhouse Gas Emissions Can Account for Global Warming The black line is the observed temperature rise. The red area is computer simulations of all emissions, including human. The blue area is computer simulations of only natural emissions and the increase in solar activity.

The Warming Oceans


Atmospheric CO 2 and Population Growth

Why the increase in Solar Irradiance is NOT the Cause of the present Warming The next slides shows that there is NO correlation between Solar Irradiance and the current rise in temperature. Instead, they show that humans are the primary cause of global warming. If the world does not drastically reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases then we are headed for a catastrophe.

Solar Irradiance, Temperature, and Atmospheric CO 2

Solar Irradiance, Temperature, and Human-Caused CO 2 Emissions