(intro. to what is cyberbullying)
is when a child is teased, threatened, or targeted by another child using the Internet and related technologies (cell phones, iPod, iPad, ect…)
How? Threatening s/text Hurtful comments on social networks … Facebook Embarrassing photos online Prank calls Fwd. private s/text Spreading rumors online/cell phone
Why? most kids say or do things on a computer that they wouldn't have the nerve to do in person. It's easy to disguise your identity and pose as someone else. Don’t think they will get in trouble/caught
A new report states that over ____ % of kids have been victims of cyberbullying 40%
Cyberbullying video on Netsmartz.org (2m 20sec)
Internet Safety
Rules to Follow Stick to safer sites Do not need to create an account Guard your passwords Use random nouns Limit what you share Be choosy about online pals If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not Remember that anything you put online or post on a site can stay online forever, even if you try to delete it.
Internet Safety - Private Info. (1m 30 sec) bePrivate
Quiz BrainPOP | Online Safety | Quiz
Ryan Halligan Story