Body Language
In 1971, US Educational Psychologist Albert Mehrabian published his famous 7%-38%-55% Rule on non- verbal communication. He found that only 7 percent of communication comes from spoken words, 38 percent is from the tone of the voice, and 55 percent comes from body language.
What Do We Mean By Body Language? Communication without words – Non-verbal communication (eyes, face, hands, arms, gestures) Often subconscious Can be used for ▫Expressing emotion (smiling) ▫Conveying attitudes (aggression) ▫Demonstrating personality traits (open palms) ▫Supporting verbal communication
Emphasis in Body Language Synchronize Exaggerate
Big Emphasis = Big Movement Energy and Passion Overpower with the force of your point Words should match movement Subtle Emphasis = Small Movement Think small and delicate Turn of the head Subtle facial expressions
Distance in Body Language
Social Distances – Public Zone >12 feet The closer someone is in our public zone the more we notice them
Social Distances – Social Zone 4 – 12 feet Start to feel a connection to other people Comfortable when talking in a group People sitting in chairs at a gathering
Social Distances – Personal Zone 1.5 – 4 feet Conversation is more direct Good distance for two people talking in earnest
Social Distances – Intimate Zone < 1.5 feet Within arms reach Touching See more detail of their body language and look them in the eye Blots out other people
Varying Rules Rules Watch people’s reactions Geography Different cultural norms
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