Content Objectives: Participants will identify the relationship between the Common Core, WIDA, and SIOP Lesson Preparation Participants will analyze the components of each area and apply them to their ELL students in the classroom. Language Objectives: Participants will describe, discuss, sort, and read WIDA ELD standards. Participants will write a lesson plan that incorporates WIDA Can Do descriptors and the Common Core using visual supports and graphic organizers
Clearly defined Content and Language Objectives Age appropriate content Supplementary materials Adaptation of content Meaningful activities
WIDA’s mission: to advance language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators Common Core mission: The Common Core State Standards are designed to ensure real understanding. The materials are designed to go deeper into fewer topics, so kids master the material instead of memorizing. At the same time, the learning is more hands-on with a focus on what students will use in life.
We hope to explain that to you and give you some real life examples
7 th Grade: Mathematics 7.E.E.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities
Take out your Can Do descriptors from your folder as well as your ACCESS scores that you brought today. Using the sticky notes, place your students on them based on their scores.. Make sure to use your own judgment as well (if you believe that a student who is 3.5 can be placed in Level 4 then please do that)
Cognitive Function Stays the Same Language Output varies Support decreases
Next, you are going to take out your WIDA Can Do descriptors for your grade level, your students’ ACCESS scores, and map out your students based on proficiency level.