May 14, 2015 ©AAHCM
Thomas Edes, MD (1 Year Term) E.D. Geriatrics & Extended Care; Office of Clinical Ops; US Dept of Veteran Affairs Mindy Fain, MD (3 Year Term—Current President-Elect) Division Chief Geriatrics, General IM, Palliative Care, Univ of Arizona Medical Center Steve Landers, MD, MPH (3 Year Term) President & CEO, Visiting Nurse Association Health Group Jean Yudin, MSN, GNP-C, RN, CS (1 Year Term) Director of the Schnabel House Call Program; University of Pennsylvania Health System Linnea Nagel, PA-C –Independently developed, implemented and staffed a house call program. Demonstrated reduced re-admissions and ED visits. –Director of Clinical Education, Marquette University PA Department –Has exposed PA students to home care medicine –She is working on developing a house call program and PA home care medicine training program Barbara Sutton, RN, MS, ANP-BC, ACHPN –Over 20 years experience leading home-based primary and palliative care programs in the Chicago area. –2013 AAHCM House Call Clinician of the Year –Chair AAHCM Awards committee, member annual meeting committee –Member CAPC workgroup on home-based palliative care –Hospice & Palliative Nurse Association Regional Representative
A Rising Tide Carries All Boats ©AAHCM
Thomas Cornwell, MD Eric DeJonge, MD Thomas E. Edes, MD Mindy Fain, MD Brent Feorene Kathy Kemle, MS, PA-C Bruce Kinosian, MD Steven Landers, MD, MPH Bruce Leff, MD Bill Mills, MD Theresa Soriano, MD, MPH Robert Sowislo Jean A. Yudin, MSN, GNP-BC ©AAHCM
Connie Row: Executive Director Gary Swartz: Associate Executive Director Audrey McDonough: Director of Membership and Administrative Services Bernie Sciuto: Director of Finance
Thomas Cornwell, MD Linda DeCherrie, MD Namirah Jamshed, MD Jennifer Crawley, LICSW Julia Jung, CPA Robert Kaiser, MD Steve Landers, MD (Chair) Kris Smith, MD Theresa Soriano, MD Robert Sowislo (Chair) Barbara Sutton, ANP Jenna Vaccaro
Awards Sponsors & Exhibitors
IAH: Three year demo ends this year. ◦ Short-term goal: Extending the demo ◦ Long-term goal: IAH Medicare benefit Chronic Care Management Code Advocacy on the IMPACT Act, Value-Based Purchasing, payment for Advance Directive Codes Developed list of home care medicine clinical competencies to drive educational efforts Listserv changed to more robust and responsive Forum format Adoption of Telemedicine Policy statement Ongoing work: ◦ Continued advocacy for adequate and accurate payments for home care medicine ◦ Continued development of infrastructure to grow and sustain the field including: Developing Standards; Accreditation; Training and Technical Assistance; Workforce Development; Research. ©AAHCM
Demonstrating the value of home care medicine across the country. Participating in alternative payment models such as ACO’s and Medicare/Medicaid managed care plans. Receiving positive media coverage AAHCM Membership Coming to Annual Meeting Participating in Forum discussions Donating to AAHCM Participating on Committees and Task Forces ©AAHCM
1997 Hired with $50K in the bank (3 months operating funds) 1998 increased complexity house call codes, payments doubled, times assigned 2002 Certification and Recertification Home Health 2006 increased complexity domiciliary codes, payments doubled/tripled, times assigned 2008 Payroll <$100,000 2010 IAH demonstration in ACA 2011 Termination of carrier-wide audit and payment for Medicare Wellness Exam 2014 American Academy of Home Care Medicine 2015 Chronic Care Management Code 2015 $660,000 budget; >$900,000 in reserves
©AAHCM Imagine my surprise when first meeting the legendary Connie Row. How could someone so bold, so relentless, so effective, so fearless, so invincible…be so…tiny! Dr. Tom Edes, Past-President AAHCM Most importantly, though, Connie Row is someone who has shown us all how to live your passion. Connie has translated the power of her belief in and passion for the field of house calls into dynamic actions - actions which have in large part made today’s more favorable climate possible. I am personally grateful to have worked alongside Connie and I know the industry owes her a big thank you, as well. Brent Feorene, Treasurer AAHCM