Section 8 in San Diego : Tenant Perspectives Abstract This project examined the neighborhood selection of Section 8 participants and their satisfaction levels in San Diego. Current research suggests that recipients are relocating to neighborhoods that are marginally superior to their old ones. There are concerns that Section 8 recipients need more neighborhood choices because their neighborhoods have discrimination, poverty, and slumlords. If true, Section 8 is ineffective at removing recipients from undesirable neighborhoods. This study analyzed spatial patterns of the Section 8 program, demographics of recipients, and surveyed current participants about their satisfaction with the program. The research will contribute to the literature on affordable housing as this type of study has not been conducted in San Diego. Demographic data indicates that Section 8 assistance is provided to households that need it. Survey results indicate that the promptness of handling maintenance requests is the most significant change that SDHC could make to satisfy their tenants. The results of this research will be shared with HUD officials in an effort to improve tenant-based housing assistance. Research Questions Where are Section 8 recipients located ? What quality of life do Section 8 recipients have ? Are Section 8 recipients satisfied with the program ? $0-$5K $5K- $10K $10K- $15K $15K- $20K $20K- $25K $25K- $30K $30K- $40K$40K+Total 92104Count % within Unit zip code6.4%12.0%49.9%13.2%8.1%4.3%5.2%1.0%100.0% % within Gross annual income8.9%7.5%10.4%6.2%6.6%5.7%6.0%2.6%8.0% % of Total.5%1.0%4.0%1.1%.6%.3%.4%.1%8.0% 92105Count % within Unit zip code5.8%12.9%38.9%19.9%10.1%5.1%5.3%2.1%100.0% % within Gross annual income14.7%14.9% 17.3%15.3%12.5%11.2%10.7%14.8% % of Total.9%1.9%5.8%2.9%1.5%.8%.3%14.8% 92115Count % within Unit zip code5.4%11.5%42.8%17.0%10.7%6.2%4.7%1.6%100.0% % within Gross annual income8.4%8.1%10.0%9.0%9.8%9.2%6.1%4.7%9.0% % of Total.5%1.0%3.8%1.5%1.0%.6%.4%.1%9.0% 92154Count % within Unit zip code6.0%16.0%24.5%15.3%11.7%8.5%11.6%6.4%100.0% % within Gross annual income8.0%9.7%4.9%7.0%9.3%10.8%12.9%16.6%7.8% % of Total.5%1.2%1.9%1.2%.9%.7%.9%.5%7.8% Total Count % within Unit zip code5.8%12.8%38.6%17.0%9.8%6.1%7.0%3.0%100.0% % within Gross annual income100.0% % of Total5.8%12.8%38.6%17.0%9.8%6.1%7.0%3.0%100.0% Section 8 Participant Data Crosstabulation of gross annual income levels by zip code Survey Responses Mice infestations and maintenance response times were among the problems. Findings and Conclusions: 14,200 Section 8 recipients in San Diego County 90% earn less than $30,000 per year; median income is $12,750 Most participants give Section 8 fair to great reviews Maintenance response time greatly affects satisfaction level Neighborhood choice priorities were crime, home quality and size, school choice, and neighborhood amenities. Spatially: 80% of Section 8 recipients live south of I-8 and 50% live south of downtown San Diego Low payment standards and limited housing choices may be why participants live in areas with high rates of crime and poverty. Joseph Reinagel March 10, 2011 San Diego ZIP Code Map ZIP Codes with 4% or more of the Section 8 population are highlighted in green. These are ZIP codes 92102, 92104, 92105, 92113, , 92154, and Images are property of SanGIS, Meet Your Mouse, and Atlanta House Surgeons.