NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC Solar Advisor Model for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
Contents User Interface Overview Modeling CSP Systems 2 This presentation is intended to follow the SAM introductory presentation. A separate presentation covers modeling concentrating solar power systems. Note that each of the following slides is annotated with presenter notes.. This presentation is intended to follow the SAM introductory presentation. A separate presentation covers modeling concentrating solar power systems. Note that each of the following slides is annotated with presenter notes..
Main Window 4
Access to Input Pages 5 Navigation menu provides access to input pages. Green button indicates active page. Navigation menu provides access to input pages. Green button indicates active page.
Access to Results 6 Summary displays the results page with Metrics table, sliders, and graphs. Spreadsheet opens the results workbook in Excel. Time Series Graphs opens the data viewer. Summary displays the results page with Metrics table, sliders, and graphs. Spreadsheet opens the results workbook in Excel. Time Series Graphs opens the data viewer.
Access to Results 7 Changing the value of one or more inputs causes the Run Analysis button to replace the results buttons.
Cases 8 A file contains one or more cases. Cases allow for comparison of projects with different system configurations. locations, financing structures, etc. A case consists of a complete set of inputs and results. Tabs provide access to cases. The current case is indicated by a green tab. A file contains one or more cases. Cases allow for comparison of projects with different system configurations. locations, financing structures, etc. A case consists of a complete set of inputs and results. Tabs provide access to cases. The current case is indicated by a green tab.
Input Variable Types By default, all data fields are populated by sample data. Type values into fields, or link to cells in an Excel spreadsheet. By default, all data fields are populated by sample data. Type values into fields, or link to cells in an Excel spreadsheet. 9
Linked Spreadsheet SAM Inputs “SentTo” Excel 10 “CapturedFrom”
Results Summary Page 11
Results Spreadsheet 12 List of inputs Cash flow detail Hourly energy values Monthly and annual averages
Data Viewer 13 Graphical representation of hourly outputs Statistical graphs
Sliders 14
Sliders 15
Sensitivity Analysis Assign multiple values to any input variable Use graphs and sliders to view results 16
MODELING CSP SYSTEMS Solar Advisor Model for CSP 17
CSP Sample File 18
CSP Trough Market Options 19
20 Choose a location from the list of built-in TMY2 files Download an EPW file from the Energy Plus website (TMY3 files are available as EPW) Download a weather file in TMY2 format from the NREL Solar Prospector website (beta version) Or, Convert a file to TMY2 using Meteonorm or other software (some conversion tools are available on the SAM Google Group) Climate
Financials 21 Choose market: Central or distributed For distributed market, choose financing type: Cash, loan, or third-party financing Enter parameters Results displayed as metrics (LCOE, NPV, IRR, etc.) and annual cash flow summary and detail LCOE and other economic metrics are very sensitive to financial inputs! Choose market: Central or distributed For distributed market, choose financing type: Cash, loan, or third-party financing Enter parameters Results displayed as metrics (LCOE, NPV, IRR, etc.) and annual cash flow summary and detail LCOE and other economic metrics are very sensitive to financial inputs!
Incentives 22 Incentive Types Investment tax credit Production tax credit Capacity-based incentive Production-based incentive Incentives from up to four sources Federal government State government Utility Other Modify Tax Implications Taxable incentives Incentive impact on depreciation Incentive Types Investment tax credit Production tax credit Capacity-based incentive Production-based incentive Incentives from up to four sources Federal government State government Utility Other Modify Tax Implications Taxable incentives Incentive impact on depreciation
System 23 Configuration Parabolic trough Dish-Stirling Solar Field Layout (size, number and arrangement of collectors, etc.) Heat transfer fluid properties Collector and Receiver Dimensions and properties Power Block / Engine Capacity Efficiency coefficients Storage (trough only) Capacity, heat loss parameters, dispatch Parasitic Losses Libraries of default values facilitate selection of input values Configuration Parabolic trough Dish-Stirling Solar Field Layout (size, number and arrangement of collectors, etc.) Heat transfer fluid properties Collector and Receiver Dimensions and properties Power Block / Engine Capacity Efficiency coefficients Storage (trough only) Capacity, heat loss parameters, dispatch Parasitic Losses Libraries of default values facilitate selection of input values
Costs Module and inverter costs in $/W or $/unit. Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Fixed annual cost ($/yr) Fixed per rated capacity ($/kW-dc) Variable per total annual output ($/MWh-ac) Default values are illustrative and not based on actual projects. Actual costs depend on location, project type, market conditions See SAM website for resources Module and inverter costs in $/W or $/unit. Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Fixed annual cost ($/yr) Fixed per rated capacity ($/kW-dc) Variable per total annual output ($/MWh-ac) Default values are illustrative and not based on actual projects. Actual costs depend on location, project type, market conditions See SAM website for resources 24
Questions? 25 Online Help and User Guide –Help menu and buttons SAM Website – Google Groups – User Support
Thank You! 26