Hypothesis Foreclosure average list price will be less than for sale average list price Foreclosures will be more concentrated in low-income areas For sale homes on average will have more square footage than foreclosure homes
Zillow.com Homes for Sale & Foreclosures from City of Eau Claire Website City of Eau Claire Website Assessment Records - Attribute Data for both For Sale & Foreclosures homes Assessment Records ArcGIS Geocoded address points, Spatial Statistic Tools-Hot Spot Analysis & Mean Center Data Sources & Methods
For Sale th St., Eau Claire, WI List Price89,900 Year Built 1917, 2- Story, 1456 Square Feet, Detached Garage, 6 Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom For Sale 624 Maple St., Eau Claire, WI List Price 109,900, Year Built 1958, 1- Story, 1504 Square Feet, Attached Garage, 6 Rooms, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Foreclosure th St., Eau Claire, WI List Price 92,500 Year Built 1929, 1- Story, 1056 Square Feet, Detached Garage, 6 Rooms, 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Foreclosure 456 Platt St., Eau Claire, WI List Price 125,700 Multi-Unit, Year Built 1886, 2-Story, 1824 Square Feet, Detached Garage, 9 Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Foreclosure vs. For Sale Attribute Averages Averages AttributesForeclosureFor SaleDifference 1List Price$107,728$158,503$50,775 2Assessed Value$113,728$152,545$38,817 3Year Story21 5Square Foot1,4081, Room660 7Bedroom330 8Bathroom220 9Fireplace111 AttributesEau ClaireForeclosureDifference Median List Price$119,500$107,728$11,772 AttributesEau ClaireFor SaleDifference Median List Price$119,500$158,503$39,003
Foreclosure & Census Data by Two Zip Codes Foreclosures in this study22%78% Attributes Zip Code Data Zip Code Median Income$40,331$38,068 High School Diploma91.6%89.5% Bachelors Degree37.4%22.3% Unemployed3.5%3.3% Poverty8.9%14% Occupation-Mgt./Professional37%26.7% Demographics-White95%92.20%
Foreclosure Hot Spots For Sale Hot Spots
Foreclosure List Price and Year Constructed There is a positive correlation between the year a home is constructed and the Foreclosure List Price. This means that the newer a home is the more expensive it becomes. The R-Squared value is almost 40% and that explains how often the relationship would occur between these two variable. This is not an example of a very high correlation so an assumption could be made that some other variable is contributing to Foreclosure List Price.
Conclusion Foreclosure average list price is $50,775 lower than For Sale average list price 78% of Foreclosures located in low-income areas For sale homes on average had 283 more square footage than foreclosure homes
Bibliography "Welcome to the City of Eau Claire Wisconsin." Welcome to the City of Eau Claire Wisconsin. Web. 05 June "Zillow Real Estate and Homes for Sale." Zillow. Web. 05 June "ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on That ZIP (demographics by ZIP Code)." ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on That ZIP (demographics by ZIP Code). Web. 07 June