How to Assess Blood Pressure
What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries during the various stages of heart activity.
2 Types of Blood Pressure Measurement Systolic: pressure in walls of arteries when the left ventricle is contracting Diastolic: pressure when left ventricle is at rest (or between contractions)
How do we record Blood Pressure? BP Systolic/Diastolic
BP Norms: Category Systolic Diastolic Normal Blood Pressure <120 <80 Normal Range 100-120 60-80 Hypertension (high blood pressure) >140 >90 Hypotension (low blood pressure) <90 <60
Normal or Abnormal? 120/70 210/100 100/40 110/68 102/60 140/70 120/94 Normal range: Systolic: 100-120 Diastolic: 60-80 Hypertension: Systolic >140 Diastolic >90 Hypotension: Systolic <90 Diastolic <60 120/70 210/100 100/40 110/68 102/60 140/70 120/94
Application: Read the definitions/info on Hypertension and Hypotension on page 447. List 5 causes of hypertension List 5 causes of hypotension What is orthostatic hypotension? What are the S&S? Why is hypertension often called the “silent killer”?
5 Causes of Hypertension Stress Anxiety Obesity High salt intake Aging Kidney disease Thyroid deficiency arteriosclerosis
5 Causes of Hypotension Heart failure Dehydration Severe burns Depression Hemorrhage Shock Orthostatic hypotension: sudden drop in BP when pt moves from lying to sitting/standing
Types of Sphygmomanometers
What instruments are needed to measure blood pressure?
Parts of a Sphygmomanometer
How do you read an aneroid gauge?
Let’s Practice! Worksheet packet – reading an aneroid and mercury gauge
How to Assess BP video Korotkoff sounds Assessing BP sounds/practice
Video 2 Answers: 1. 118/72 2. 124/0 3. 132/86
Let’s Practice! Must maintain very quiet environment to make proper assessment. NO horseplay! Do not overinflate cuff. Must remove jackets/hoodies. Must roll up sleeve to expose arm.
BP Assessment Expose arm Identify antecubital space Identify brachial artery Place cuff approx. 1 inch above brachial artery Inflate cuff to approx. 160mm Hg Open bulb valve SLOWLY! 1st sound: systolic Last sound: diastolic