De Bohun primary School Assessing Pupils Information for Parents 11 th June Helen Pearson and Zoe Ansell
How we assess in EYFS As soon as possible after entry, we assess Nursery children to see where they are developmentally. We continue to assess this during the year. In the final term in the nursery, the children are assessed using the Development Matters document. Reception, children are assessed to see where they are developmentally when they start the Reception year. Each pupil is then tracked in each of the areas of learning throughout the year. Any child who is not making the expected progress is placed on a tracking sheet that identifies their barriers to learning and ways in which teachers and support staff are working together to support the child. This includes any additional interventions that may need to take place to move children’s learning on. matters LinkDevelopment matters Link
National Expected Levels From Year 1 to Year 6 Year 1 Level 1a Average Points Score 11 Year 2 Level 2b Average Points Score 15 Year 3 Level 2a+ Average Points Score 18 Year 4 Level 3b Average Points Score 21 Year 5 Level 3a Average Points Score 24 Year 6 Level 4b Average Points Score 27
Making Good Progress Pupils are expected to move across the pink boxes
Types of assessment Formative Assessment - Assessment for learning takes place during learning, working with the pupil to determine what is being learned and identifying what the 'next steps' should be. It is based on day to day classroom practice, where both teachers and pupils use feedback to improve the learning. Summative assessment - Assessment of learning takes place after the learning and tells us where pupils have been at given points in time and what has been achieved. It is used mainly to measure performance rather than support learning.
Summative Assessment
Day to Day Assessment © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 2008.
Give feedback to children on the progress of their learning and provide guidance and set targets for their next steps Marking Work
© Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Example APP assessment guideline Level descriptors we use
Setting pupil targets for next step learning © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, I understand place value in numbers to 1000 I can show and compare numbers using number lines and 100 squares I can show that some numbers can be represented as different arrays I can use place value to multiply and divide numbers by 10
Homework Reinforces learning already taught Extends knowledge and builds new vocabulary Supports targets to move child’s learning on. Challenges pupils More reading Understanding Progress in English Understanding Progress in Maths © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 2008.