Creature Features! Exploring living things and their body features. Biological Science Year 1
What is a living thing?
What is a feature? Head Legs Tail
From the box of animals your teacher gives you INVESTIGATE and DISCUSS these creatures’ features.
With your classmates, answer the questions on the next slides.
What features do these living things have? Are all the animals features the same as each other? Do any of the creatures have special features?
Why might some of these living things have wings instead of legs? Do any of the creatures have special features?
Together, name these living things, find their features and label them. Does the animal have any special features? Describe why the creature has that special feature.
Teacher Pages Curriculum Biological Science -Science Understanding Content Description ( ACSSU017): Living things have a variety of external features Elaborations: Recognising common features of animals such as head, legs and wings. Describing the use of animal body parts for particular purposes such as moving and feeding. Resources Box of animal figurines Workbook for labelling animal diagrams
Declarative KnowledgeProcedural Knowledge The learner will know thatThe learner will be able to All animals have similar, recognisable features Some animals have special features Animals use body parts for the purpose of movement and feeding Recognise, name and label the common features of animals Observe and compare the features of different animals Describe why animals have different features ( Eg. Birds have wings to fly)
This task card can be implemented using a smart board or as a printed hard copy. Due to the young age of the learners, teacher assistance will be necessary when implementing this task card.