Contemporary Art An introduction
Contemporary Art: Defintion Contemporary art, is any art that has been, and continues to be produced during our lifetime. (Shelly Esak, ’Contemporary Art Reflection”) Modern art practitioners, state that contemporary art began in the 1970’s, because the term “postmodern art” began to pop up, meaning that the art world must have had its fill of “modern art” (any art from the Impressionists(1880-late 1960’s) Contemporary art is also much more socio-conscience, meaning that the world was introduced to images of: globalization, hunger, multiculturalism, feminism, disease etc. Images of such human issues, where the focus was clearly identified, impacted how the world began to view art. It also included art that was deemed unusually strange, but had a clear message.
Examples of Contemporary Art:
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Media Arts: A Definition Media art (s) is a genre that encompasses artwork that has been created or produced using new media technologies. These technologies include digital art, computer animation, virtual art, internet art etc. Media arts often involves some form of interaction between the artist and the observer. Yet, as several theorists and curators have noted, such forms of interaction, social exchange, participation, and transformation do not distinguish new media art but rather serve as a common ground that has parallels in other strands of contemporary art practice. (Edward Shanken: Artists in Industry and the Academy)
Examples of Media Art: