Social Studies
Analyze the causes of World War 1. Explain how the United States became involved in the war.
Answer the following question on a piece of white lined paper ◦ What might be some day-to-day hardships faced by World War 1 soldiers in the trenches?
Nationalism Imperialism Militarism Trench Warfare Allies Central Power U Boats Zimmerman Telegram
What events and factors helped cause World War 1? What events brought America into World War 1?
Central Powers: included Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Allies : included Serbia, Great Britain, Italy, and seven other countries that fought in the war.
Key Question #1: What events and factors helped cause World War 1?
The assassination of the archduke on June 28, 1914 caused the war to begin. The archduke was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. Austria declared war on Serbia and eventually other European nations joined in. World War 1 began.
Imperialism: policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker nations.
◦ Britain, France, Germany, and Italy competed for colonies in Africa and Asia. Germany had fewer colonies than Britain, and felt it deserved more colonies to provide it with resources and to buy its goods.
Nationalism: a feeling of pride protectiveness towards one’s country. How do think nationalism contributed to the start of World War 1?
Many Europeans embraced nationalism, strong feelings of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward their own countries. They wanted to prove that their nations were the best.
Militarism: policy of making military power a primary goal of a nation and using that power to achieve national aims.
The central powers and allies wanted to make power their top priority. Prior to this war, the major powers built up their armies and navies.
In 1914, a tangled network of competing alliances bound European nations together. An attack on one nation forced its allies to come to its aid.
Trench Warfare: simulation clip from While we look at the simulation pay attention to the conditions of the trench. How are trench conditions described in the video?
Technology helped to enhance war battling. ◦ Quick firing guns ◦ Poison Gas ◦ Airplanes ◦ U Boats
What events bought America into World War 1? When the war started in 1914, Woodrow Wilson announced the policy of neutrality, refusing to take sides in the war. A series of events occurred that led America into the war.
In May 1915, a German torpedo attacked the Lusitania, killing 1,198 people, 128 of which were Americans. Americans turned against Germany. Wilson ordered Germans to stop submarine warfare. Germans wanted to win, so the ignored Wilsons order.
Britain discovered a telegram from the Germans that asked Mexico to join in on the war. In exchange, the Germans would help Mexico get back its lost territories of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
In March 1917, German submarines sank three ships. Woodrow Wilson declared war against them in April 1917.
Be sure that you have: ◦ Answered ALL presentation questions ◦ Completed the cause and effect graphic organizer ◦ Answered the review questions ◦ Use the study guide to prepare for the Lesson 1 Quiz.