How to encourage your child to use Spanish during the summer!
Language development Practicing Spanish outside of school should be about having fun! Any way you can show appreciation for other languages and cultures (especially Spanish and the Hispanic culture) you are helping your child to be successful in the Spanish immersion program. Encourage your kids in the program as well as other family members to be open to explore other languages and cultures.
Resources Check out books, tapes, CDs, videos, and DVDs from your local public library (most DVDs allow you to play them in Spanish with English subtitles). Explore children's Spanish music and computer programs in Spanish for kids online.
Spanish play dates / movie nights Have a play date, movie night or sleepover with immersion school friends and try to speak as much Spanish as possible!
Spanish Crafts Make Hispanic crafts with family and friends – – c-culture-kids-crafts/ c-culture-kids-crafts/
Spanish Gifts Give Hispanic crafts to family and friends for birthdays and celebrations. Write a letter to their next year’s Spanish immersion teacher / class to inform them about something fun you did over the summer.
Spanish Videos Let your child make a video, tape, CD or DVD: – Singing songs in Spanish – Reading a book aloud – Acting out a book using: Masks Simple costumes Crowns Puppets Other props
Spanish Songs Ask your child to sing songs s/he learned this school year (or look up new songs on YouTube). Have your child teach you a song or poem to sing / recite together. Purchase children’s songs or CDs in Spanish to learn songs together!
Spanish Labels for the Home! Let your child make Spanish labels to display in your home to teach the family more words! el refrigerador la mesa
Spanish Word / Phrase of the Week! Ask your child to teach one word / phrase to the whole family every week of the summer. Try to only use that Spanish word / phrase every time you all need to say that word / phrase that week!
Spanish Book Club Start a Spanish book club to meet, read and discuss / compare books with other immersion students.
Spanish Phone Pal Let your child call a classmate from school and speak Spanish on the phone. ¡Hola amiga! ¿Cómo estás? Muy bien. ¿Qué tal tu verano?
Eat at a Mexican restaurant where the wait staff speaks Spanish. Have your child practice Spanish with the waiter or waitress! Spanish Food and Conversations ¡Bienvenidos! ¿Qué te gustaría comer?
Mexican Bakeries Try out new Mexican bakeries or other authentic food stores. Ortiz Bakery in Georgetown, DE El Charro Mexican Store in Georgetown, DE Avila’s Bakery in Wilmington, DE
Hispanic Culture Explore the Latin American Community Center’s events online: Explore the Hispanic culture and other cultures in museums in Delaware, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C.
Recognize, praise and encourage any efforts your child makes to speak or read in Spanish. Discuss the reasons why you want your child to learn another language. Ask your child why s/he thinks it’s important to know another language. Praise your child!
Praise your child in Spanish Say: ¡Muy bien! ¡Excelente! ¡Fantástico!
Have a GREAT summer filled with Spanish!