Structure = Function Part of the reason why plants and animals function differently is because of the structure of the cells that make up each living thing. An animal cell is made up of specific organelles – tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within the cell. There are some animals made of just one cell, and some made of many cells!!
Organelles Organelles are tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions in the cell
Cell Membrane The cell membrane controls what substances come into and out of the cell. Everything that enters or leaves the cell goes through the membrane. It is the outer most layer around the cell
The Nucleus The nucleus is the control center of the cell – This is where all of the DNA in each cell is found!
The Nucleus There is a membrane around the nucleus called the nuclear envelope. This protects the nucleus! It only lets in things that are good for the nucleus! Things enter and exit the nucleus through pores, or small holes, in the membrane.
The Nucleus You’ve heard of DNA – but what is it?? DNA is genetic material – these are the instructions for controlling the cell’s functions. Here we have chromatin, which are long thin strands of genetic material (DNA) The nucleolus is a dense area of chromatin, where ribosomes are made.
Inside the Cytoplasm The mitochondria are where energy from food molecules is transformed into energy that can be used by the cell This process is called Cellular Respiration
Inside the Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus – It is a gelatin like liquid. The cytoplasm is the home to all of the other organelles in the cell!
Inside the Cytoplasm The endoplasmic reticulum’s passageways carry important materials away from the nucleus. The ER is located around the nucleus of a cell.
Inside the Cytoplasm Ribosomes can be found in the cytoplasm or in the walls of the ER- they function as factories to produce proteins.
Inside the Cytoplasm The Golgi Bodies receive newly formed materials from the ER and distribute it to other parts of the cell.
Inside the Cytoplasm Lysosomes are small, round bubbles that contain chemicals to break down materials in the cell. Sometimes they break down food, other times they break down harmful materials that are inside the cell.
Cell Wall A plant cell has a cell wall which helps protect and support the cell. The cell wall is made of a strong material called cellulose Think about it – Plants don’t have bones, how do they stand?
Inside the Cytoplasm Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells – they capture electromagnetic energy from sunlight and use it to produce food. This process is called photosynthesis!
Inside the Cytoplasm The vacuole is the storage area of the cell When the vacuole is full, the plant stands up straight, when it is empty, the plant is limp