Agility & Speed Training Software/Equipment Kevin McMenamin
Agility Ladder Increases foot speed and foot work. Generates fast-twitch muscles to improve speed and agility. Place on any flat service to perform exercises. Rogue Fitness 30’ agility ladder.
Rogue Fitness 30’ Agility Ladder Cost: $65.25 Found at:
Speed Chute Pro A dual chute that allows you to focus on acceleration for increased speed against resistance. A good training product to increase speed in all sports.
SKLZ Speed Chute Pro Cost: $59.99 Found at: /invt/crmsc0102
Speed Hurdles Improves athleticism with the ability to move around more efficiently on the field. Improves footwork/agility and maximizes leg power.
SKLZ Speed Hurdles Cost: $59.99 Found at: hurdles/invt/saqsph0102
Lateral Resister Pro Strengthens the hips and thighs for fluid movements. Improves proper body positioning.
SKLZ Lateral Resister Pro Cost: $39.99 Found at: /invt/crmlr0104
OneResult A software used for anyone and athletes that creates workout and nutritional programs based off of their body type and experience to improve your health physically. Features: your own profile, graphs to track your work outs, nutrition program, exercise program, and health tips.
OneResult Cost: Free
Cost Rogue Fitness 30’ agility ladder: $65.25 SKLZ Speed chute pro: $59.99 SKLZ Speed hurdles: $59.99 SKLZ Lateral resistance pro: $39.99 OneResult: Free =$225.22
Main Goal Get started by using the software from to prepare yourself for the agility and speed training. Follow the process that OneResult gives you to improve your agility and speed.
Conclusion As a result the costs for all the products for agility and speed training is reasonable. By using these four pieces of equipment and software, you will improve your agility and speed.