What is Diabetes? Medical disorder which raises the level of sugar in blood, especially after a meal Medical disorder which raises the level of sugar in blood, especially after a meal Disease in which body does not produce or properly use insulin( hormone needed to convert sugar into energy for life) Disease in which body does not produce or properly use insulin( hormone needed to convert sugar into energy for life) About 7% of Americans have it About 7% of Americans have it Affects Endocrine System Affects Endocrine System
Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis Frequent urination, increased thirst resulting in increased fluid intake, weight loss, increased appetite, and irreducible fatigue, irritability, blurry vision Frequent urination, increased thirst resulting in increased fluid intake, weight loss, increased appetite, and irreducible fatigue, irritability, blurry vision Diagnosis Diagnosis Fasting glucose in the plasma at or above 7.0mmol/L Fasting glucose in the plasma at or above 7.0mmol/L Plasma glucose at or above 11.1mmol/L two hours after 75 gram load of glucose (as in meal) Plasma glucose at or above 11.1mmol/L two hours after 75 gram load of glucose (as in meal) Symptoms of diabetes and a random plasma glucose at or above 11.1mmol/L Symptoms of diabetes and a random plasma glucose at or above 11.1mmol/L
Diabetes Type 1 Most common in children and adolescents Most common in children and adolescents Characterized by the β-cell destruction which leads to an absolute deficiency of insulin Characterized by the β-cell destruction which leads to an absolute deficiency of insulin Forms of diabetes Type 1 Forms of diabetes Type 1 Immune mediated characterized by autoimmune destruction of the body's β-cells in the pancreas, destroying them or damaging them sufficiently to reduce insulin production Immune mediated characterized by autoimmune destruction of the body's β-cells in the pancreas, destroying them or damaging them sufficiently to reduce insulin production Another form is characterized by the loss of the body's β-cells without evidence of autoimmunity Another form is characterized by the loss of the body's β-cells without evidence of autoimmunity 5-10% of Americans have this type of diabetes 5-10% of Americans have this type of diabetes Regular shots of insulin are needed Regular shots of insulin are needed Can cause long-term complications including kidney problems, nerve damage, blindness, and early coronary heart disease and stroke Can cause long-term complications including kidney problems, nerve damage, blindness, and early coronary heart disease and stroke
Diabetes Type 2 Characterized by when the body is unable to respond to insulin normally Characterized by when the body is unable to respond to insulin normally Believed that excess body fat plays a role in the insulin resistance that characterizes the disease Believed that excess body fat plays a role in the insulin resistance that characterizes the disease More complex then diabetes Type 2, but is easier to treat More complex then diabetes Type 2, but is easier to treat Symptoms are milder Symptoms are milder Severe complications can result from unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including renal failure, and coronary artery disease Severe complications can result from unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including renal failure, and coronary artery disease Treated by changes in diet and weight loss Treated by changes in diet and weight loss Most Americans who have diabetes have this type Most Americans who have diabetes have this type
Gestational Diabetes Appears in 2-5% of all pregnancies Appears in 2-5% of all pregnancies Temporary and fully treatable, but if untreated it may cause problems with the pregnancy, including macrosomia (high birth weight) of the child Temporary and fully treatable, but if untreated it may cause problems with the pregnancy, including macrosomia (high birth weight) of the child Requires careful medical supervision during the pregnancy Requires careful medical supervision during the pregnancy 20-50% of these women develop type 2 diabetes 20-50% of these women develop type 2 diabetes
With Proper Control of Insulin
Causes of Disease Both type 1 and type 2 are at least partly inherited Type 1 diabetes appears to be triggered by infection, stress, or environmental factors The genetic element in the susceptibility of individuals to some of these triggers which has been traced to particular HLA genotypes Seems to require environmental trigger
Causes of Disease (continued) There is a stronger inheritance pattern for Type 2 diabetes There is a stronger inheritance pattern for Type 2 diabetes Those who have had ancestors who had type 2, have a higher chance of getting it Those who have had ancestors who had type 2, have a higher chance of getting it Age is also a contributing factor in getting the disease Age is also a contributing factor in getting the disease Obesity is also a contributing factor that seems to contribute Obesity is also a contributing factor that seems to contribute
Diagnosis Usually involves recent-onset symptoms Symptoms worsen after a few weeks Diabetes is also diagnosed by health screenings, detection of hyperglycemia when a doctor is investigating a complication of longstanding, unrecognized diabetes, and less commonly, new signs or symptoms that come from the disease
Diabetes Screening recommended for many types of people at various stages of life or with several different risk factors recommended for many types of people at various stages of life or with several different risk factors year olds are recommended to get a screening year olds are recommended to get a screening Earlier screenings are recommended to those that are obese, have a family history of diabetes, or high-risk ethnicity Earlier screenings are recommended to those that are obese, have a family history of diabetes, or high-risk ethnicity
Diabetic factors Patients with fasting blood sugars between 100 and 125 mg/dL are considered to have "impaired fasting glucose", "pre-diabetes" is considered and a major risk factor for progression to full-blown diabetes Patients with fasting blood sugars between 100 and 125 mg/dL are considered to have "impaired fasting glucose", "pre-diabetes" is considered and a major risk factor for progression to full-blown diabetes 2 hours after eating, if blood sugar is between 140 and 199 mg/dL is called "glucose intolerance" and is also a "pre-diabetic" diagnosis 2 hours after eating, if blood sugar is between 140 and 199 mg/dL is called "glucose intolerance" and is also a "pre-diabetic" diagnosis
Diabetic coma and ketoacidosis Diabetic Ketoacidosis Acute, dangerous complication and is always an emergency and results in a visit to the emergency room Acute, dangerous complication and is always an emergency and results in a visit to the emergency room If treated properly, it usually goes away, but if not treated, death may occur If treated properly, it usually goes away, but if not treated, death may occur Diabetic Coma Other acute problem associated with improper management of diabetes Other acute problem associated with improper management of diabetes Anyone with very high glucose levels, water will be osmotically removed out of the cells into the blood Anyone with very high glucose levels, water will be osmotically removed out of the cells into the blood Kidneys will dump glucose into the urine, resulting in concomitant loss of water, causing an increase in blood osmolality Kidneys will dump glucose into the urine, resulting in concomitant loss of water, causing an increase in blood osmolality With the combination of the changes, symptoms will be similar to those of ketoacidosis and loss of consciousness With the combination of the changes, symptoms will be similar to those of ketoacidosis and loss of consciousness
Hypoglycemia Almost always arises as a result of poor management of the disease Almost always arises as a result of poor management of the disease If blood glucose levels are low enough, the patient maybe become agitated, sweaty, and have many symptoms of sympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system where they would experience dread and panic If blood glucose levels are low enough, the patient maybe become agitated, sweaty, and have many symptoms of sympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system where they would experience dread and panic An injection of glucagon is a way to treat it An injection of glucagon is a way to treat it The glucagon causes the liver to convert its internal storages of glycogen to be released as sugar into the blood The glucagon causes the liver to convert its internal storages of glycogen to be released as sugar into the blood
Treating the disease Chronic disease with no cure Chronic disease with no cure Lifetime modification of achieving or maintaining proper weight, diet, exercise, and foot care Lifetime modification of achieving or maintaining proper weight, diet, exercise, and foot care May involve the use of oral medications or the insulin therapy May involve the use of oral medications or the insulin therapy
Possibility of curing the disease The disease consists of the failure of a single organ the pancreas with a relatively simple function should admit of a cure The disease consists of the failure of a single organ the pancreas with a relatively simple function should admit of a cure Type 2 diabetes is more complex and difficult but to the extent it is regarded as an excursion by the organism from the control envelope of the metabolic functions around glucose metabolism, correcting body mass to reverse that excursion approaches a cure Type 2 diabetes is more complex and difficult but to the extent it is regarded as an excursion by the organism from the control envelope of the metabolic functions around glucose metabolism, correcting body mass to reverse that excursion approaches a cure At present cures for islet cell failure are experimental or theoretical, however recent developments strongly suggest they should be achievable later on At present cures for islet cell failure are experimental or theoretical, however recent developments strongly suggest they should be achievable later on