UPnP™ Implementers Corporation Update Karen M. Stash President UPnP™ Implementers Corp
UPnP™ Implementers Corporation (UIC) Goals Manage the UPnP™ certification process Own and protect the UPnP™ technology logo UPnP™ is a certification mark of the UPnP™ Implementers Corporation
What is the UIC? A legal corporation Own the logo Protect the logo Manage the certification process as a “business” (can enter into legal agreements, have a bank account, etc.) Non-profit status Managed by a Board of Directors (BOD) BOD is composed of individuals from different companies Companies are Steering Committee companies
How does the UIC relate to the UPnP Forum? UPnP Forum: Is an unincorporated entity Selects the standards to be written Develops and approves the UPnP standards UIC: Certifies devices that implement correctly the complete standard adopted by the UPnP Forum
Why not have the Forum certify devices? UIC is an independent corporation Certification is performed by a third party “Layer” of confidentiality BOD has duty to maintain objectivity
UIC Structure UIC composed of 6 Board members from 6 different companies UIC has an independent Executive Director and administration / management company that : Certifies devices Manages finances (collects annual dues, maintains tax exempt status) Assists with marketing/PR of the UIC
UIC Management UIC BOD meetings occur every 2 months Conference calls occur in-between face- to-face meetings, as needed Marketing calls to discuss upcoming conference/trade shows Legal calls to discuss certification mark issues
Benefits of UIC Membership
1.Access to UPnP certification test tool and certification process 2.Ability to use the UPnP logo and the “UPnP-certified” phrase on certified products 3.One free support call about test tool per year 4.Access to UIC-sponsored trade shows, conferences, and panel sessions 5.Leveraging of UIC’s marketing assets
Benefits of UIC Membership
1. Meaning of “Certification” Independent acknowledgement of passed test log Ability to call your device a “UPnP™ device” or “UPnP™ certified” Ability to use the UPnP™ logo on device and associated marketing material
Overview of Certification Process Implement a UPnP™ standard created by the UPnP™ Forum via the Forum website Any Forum member company can implement a standard Forum membership is free Test the implementation against the certification test tool Self-testing or 3 rd party testing OK Submit the passed results to UIC Receive the UPnP™ certification
How does one get access to Certification Test Tool? Join the UIC Any Forum member can join Go to Complete UIC Membership Application Send in: Signed application $5000USD annual fee Certification test tool is posted on UIC web site
Preparing for Certification For pre-certification purposes, certification test tool is posted on UPnP™ Forum web site Plug fests Hosted by Forum member companies Certification test tool support via Microsoft’s Product Support and Services team, including one free call per year to PSS for UIC members
How Quick is the Certification Process? Once passed test log has been received by UIC, certification takes about 2 days Designed to meet product shipping cycles Certified device has option of being posted on UIC’s list of certified devices Marketing benefit
Benefits of UIC Membership
2. Why is the logo important? Differentiates your products Shows third party certification of the product Is a legally-protected logo
Certification Mark Protection Mark has been filed in 24 countries UIC has defended against inappropriate use of mark Contacted companies that have used mark in product names Contacted companies with incorrect use of mark in marketing literature UIC has published guidelines to assist with correct mark usage UIC watches filings of marks similar to UPnP™ technology mark
Countries Where Mark is Filed Argentina Australia Benelux Brazil Canada China Columbia France Germany India Italy Japan Korea Mexico Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan UK USA
Benefits of UIC Membership
3. Free Support Call for Test Tool UIC members contact UIC Executive Director Call is placed to Microsoft’s Product and Support Services Call can be used by anyone in company Annual benefit
Benefits of UIC Membership
4. Access to UIC-sponsored Trade Show Events CES presentation CES presentation, stand, panel discussion WinHEC 2003 and presentations and stand Intel Developer Forum and 2004 CONNECTIONS™ - panel session and shared stand CES presentation EHExpo booth
Organizations/Shows UIC engages with: Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Connected Home Forum Connected Home Show WiMedia Alliance Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Forum
Summits There are now an average of 2 summits a year – typically in North American and one in either Europe or Asia UIC sponsors the summits outside North America Summits alternate between Europe and Asia 2004 Summits - Shanghai and Taipei 2003 Summit - Cannes, France 2002 Summit - Tokyo, Japan
Opportunities at Shows Shared booth space Demonstration of certified products Chance to attend/participate in panel discussions/stage presentations Access to press and analysts
Benefits of UIC Membership
5. Leverage of UIC Marketing Assets Get product listed on UIC certified device page Get highlighted on UIC main web page under “New Products of the Month” Obtain access to and be showcased in UIC newsletter Get highlighted in a UIC press release
Other Marketing Assets Collateral One page flyer Q & A Translation of UPnP™ architecture to Chinese Liaisons with other consortia Working on test requirements with DLNA CEA and DSL Forum - referencing UPnP™ standards
Members and Devices About 40 UIC Members 101 certified devices 75 Internet Gateway Devices 1 WLAN Access Point 25 AV Devices 9 Media Renderers 16 Media Servers Presence on store shelves in North America, Europe, and Asia Well over a million of UPnP™ enabled devices shipped -- All major IGD vendors now include UPnP support Cisco-LinkSys, D-Link, NETGEAR, Thomson, Accton, SMC
UIC’s Opportunities for Growth Number of UPnP™ standards is increasing Forum membership is increasing Market share of certified gateways and AV devices is increasing UIC message is being broadcast more More UIC presence at events & trade shows UIC press releases/newsletters
Call to Action Join the UPnP™ Forum Join the UIC Protect and promote the UPnP™ logo
Foundation of the Connected Home