Copyright Statement © Jason Rhode and Carol Scheidenhelm This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.
Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center Northern Illinois University Collaborative Technology Support Can’t We All Just Get Along? Educause Midwest Regional Conference 2006
Session Objectives Explore the history of technology and technological decision making at NIU Describe the formation of the Blackboard Administrative Team Outline institutional strategies for multi-user support Propose future plans for expansion of the system and continued collaboration
Overview: Technology at NIU Systems traditionally supported--and determined--by campus technology unit with little input from users. Separation of academic and technological units No single, unifying agency Student fees directed largely toward other projects Colleges and departments have own initiatives
And then came Blackboard Provost appointed committee to select course management system Joint decision platform Support personnel organized themselves Decisions shared by support team
Current Support Team Information Technology Services (ITS) Technical team Customer Support team Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center Registration and Records E-Learning Services Transaction System
Continuing Challenges Lack of resources No central office making decisions re: instructional technologies Funding responsibility shared and problematic No full-time Bb support people (techs or customer support) “Other duties as assigned” Policy and procedures by ad hoc committee
Blackboard Cooperative Processes A place holder for each scheduled section Imported from Registration and Records database Faculty information Matched from Human Resources database Faculty course activation requests Automated process supported by ITS Support for faculty: pedagogical issues, online materials, workshops Faculty Development Student support and faculty tech support ITS
Tech Supplied by ITS Blackboard software and servers maintained by ITS. Currently configuration: Bb Windows 2003 SQL 2000 sp3a 2 web/app servers and 1 collaboration server Load-balanced cluster NAS and database servers connected to a SAN for storage Behind a Cisco PIX firewall
Student Support: ITS
Quick Guide Student Quick Guide Faculty Quick Guide
Faculty Development Faculty workshops, consultations, phone and support Emphasis on pedagogy Since July 1, also responsible for training and support Graduate Teaching Assistants Online materials
Online Resources for Faculty User guide Site search Ask a question FAQ Tutorials RSS Feeds
User Guide: Instructional Materials
Searchable Resources
Ask a Question
Tutorials (Captivate)
RSS Feeds
Growing Number of Users 24 courses and 12 in-house Spring 250 courses migrated to new system Fall 2003: over 760 courses and 12,000 students Spring 2006: 1275 courses and 19,258 students
Future Plans Testing for Blackboard 7.1 Strategies for implementation of the Blackboard Content System Portal and community policies Investigation and evaluation of Building Blocks
Can’t we all just get along? Blackboard is first NIU initiative when campus agencies have worked together. Efforts have enhanced collaboration among groups on other projects Smart Podia General access lab configuration Classroom response systems One card system Joint meeting May 16-17
NIU Blackboard Support Blackboard Portal: Faculty Help Student Help