Welcome to… “APPETIZERS” Discovery & Empowerment Dialogue© (Part E)
Let’s explore the answers, using the help of Eco-Paradigms you printed in PDF Format earlier, titled: THE ‘OLD’ MEDICAL DISEASE TREATMENT PARADIGM THE ‘BOLD’ NATURAL HEALTH & WELLNESS PARADIGM
THERE IS AN EPEDEMIC of disease in our country. People of all ages are dependent upon and addicted to prescription and over-the-counter drugs to function.
are the 4th leading cause of human death in the USA. But, it’s not just humans who are hurt by drugs... PHARMACEUTICALS
DRUGS ARE INVADING EVERY ECO-SYSTEM ON THE PLANET and changing the balance of life on earth as we know it, as they FOUL the land, air, and water.
Many of us have been led to believe expensive medical care is the answer to our health problems While health costs continue to soar, the medical system is broken and in need of serious repair!
MEDICAL DOCTORS are responsible for the death of ¼ million people per year through so- called medical treatments, including unnecessary surgery, medication errors, drug side effects, and hospital infections.
How, Exactly, do Conventional, Mass Produced Drugs and Medical Treatments Lead to the Eco-Disintegration of Our Earth’s Living Ecology?
IS THE EARTH ‘BREATHING IN’ HOSPITAL WASTE? Hospitals are huge polluters. Each year hospitals create more than two million tons of waste, much of which is considered hazardous, and send it to specialized hospital waste incinerators.
THEY BURN IT… and we, along with all living things, breathe it. Incineration of hospital waste has long been a leading source of deadly air pollutants including dioxin, mercury, and lead.
HOW POLLUTED ARE THE EARTH WATER SYSTEMS? A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 2002 found numerous pharmaceuticals in our water supply including: antidepressants, synthetic hormones, antibiotics, pain killers, and blood pressure medications in rivers where urban water treatment plants put treated household wastewater. How Do We QUANTIFY The Problem of Man–Made Chemicals In Our Drinking Water?
The USGS/U.S. Geological Survey is continuing its study to determine the effect on aquatic life of being exposed to antibiotics and other drugs that end up in our waterways.
Tens of thousands of chemicals are IN the environment… and we do not know exactly what effects they have. But we have some strong clues!
How Do Conventional, Mass- Produced Medical Drugs Lead to the Potential Eco-Disintegration of Our Living Human Ecology?
Is Someone’s Excreted Prescription Drugs in Your DRINKING WATER? Pharmaceuticals, once ingested, do not disappear into the body. With every toilet flush, these drugs and their chemical byproducts enter surface and ground water because water treatment plants are not equipped to filter them out.
Besides the presence of drugs from the millions of prescriptions taken daily across the country… staff at health care facilities flush untold quantities of unused medications down the toilet as well.
How Do Drugs such as Vaccines Interact with Our Human Ecology? Vaccines, we are not told by the medical establishment, contain substances that are not good for OUR BRAINS, such as mercury, MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and ethylene glycol. (Source: Immunization Theory vs. Reality, By Neil Z. Miller)
SOME RESEARCHERS SAY… THE INCREASED INCIDENCE of serious brain, cardiovascular, metabolic and other disorders in the past century coincide with laws requiring every infant to be immunized soon after birth.
Did You Know? The safety reform portion of this law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of reactions prior to vaccination, and to report vaccine injuries to federal health officials. In 1986, Congress officially acknowledged the reality of vaccine caused injuries and death by creating The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Law ). (Source: Immunization Theory vs. Reality, By Neil Z. Miller)
To simplify and centralize this legal requisite, federal health officials established the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), - operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (Source: Immunization Theory vs. Reality, By Neil Z. Miller) Doctors are required BY LAW to report suspected cases of vaccine damage
Why Are We Abusing ANTIBIOTICS? Starting in childhood with treatment for ear infections, most of us take antibiotics an average of once a year for a variety of conditions. Even though antibiotics do not work on viruses, 90% of antibiotics prescriptions are for sore throats and colds caused by viruses.
Not only does continual exposure to antibiotics encourage bacteria to develop resistant strains… it also weakens the immune system so people who take antibiotics frequently, have the potential to become sick more frequently as well.
THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE TAKING DRUGS IS ESCALATING! 1 in 4 American Seniors take at least 5 prescription medications for conditions ranging from heart disease, to diabetes, to depression.
With prescription medicines being ROUTINELY ADVERTISED ON TELEVISION the number of people (old and young alike) taking a variety of medications has gone way up!
Why Does Our Culture Rely So Heavily on Prescription Drugs to Treat its Social Ills? Since 2001, there has been a 25% increase in abuse of sedatives and barbiturates among 12th-graders.
Abuse of illegal drugs, especially OxyContin and Vicodin pain relievers, are highly addictive, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
DO OUR NATION’S SCHOOLS CONTRIBUTE TO ‘DRUG ABUSE’ IN OUR CULTURE? How do you feel about Ritalin being legalized in our school system when other dangerous drugs are not? Do you find it interesting that our schools have committed to funding anti-drug initiatives, such as D.A.R.E. (the public school system’s national drug resistance education program) but they make mental health drugs compulsory for children attending school?!
Ritalin use, according to Dr. Erwin Gemmer, a widely respected natural health practitioner, may cause children to experience insomnia, nightmares, hallucinations, nervousness, anxiety, weight loss, and nausea, to name only a few symptoms. More alarming, Gemmer says, is the potential for Ritalin to stunt the body’s growth and/or cause skull and cerebral cortex wasting.
Did you know that Ritalin is banned in other countries, but not the US? The profits that U.S. drug companies stand to make when they mass-market Ritalin is astronomical!
To Answer This Vitally Important Question, Print Out and Study the Reading Notes that accompany this Power Point (Notes are featured in Appetizers Section, Part E, of Book or online PDF doc)
“Reading Notes” Covered in this Section Include: Examining Our Factory Style Health Care System (A Profit Motive Drives Mass Produced Pharmaceuticals) Pharmaceuticals Create Numerous Unwanted and Potentially Dangerous Side-Effects The Act of Taking Drugs Doesn’t Empower Us, Nor Does Running to the Doctor The FDA’s Role in Protecting Our Health Has Shifted to the Side of Industry Continued…
Drugs Can Be Toxic to Our Human Ecology and Earth Ecology How Industry Chemicals Contribute Toxins to Our Ecology Glossary of Eco-Toxicity: Toxicity in Our Bodies Researchers Believe that Autism Spectrum Disorders Develop through a Baby’s or Child’s Exposure to Vaccines Do You Know How a Vaccine is Made? Autism Intervention in Our Nation’s Schools is Expensive Most Physicians Today Report a Low Level of Confidence in Taking Environmental Health Histories Continued…
What Does a Parent Do, If They Suspect Their Child Had Been Made Sick from Over-Exposure to Environmental Toxins? Contrary to What We Have Been Told By Many Doctors that Drugs Are the Only Way to Treat the Toxic, Nutrient- Depleted Brain, There Are Other Alternatives! In Our Schools Today (with the Exception of Some Colleges) There Is a Low Priority Attached to Eco-Health Education Is There a Way to Present ‘Environmental Education’ in Schools that is Accepted as Unbiased and Capable of Supporting the Health of the Environment that We Depend Upon for Life and Health? Continued…
Final Thoughts: Our Belief Systems about Disease Determine Our Potential for Health Alternative Health and Medical Care Options Offer to Be Non-Toxic Eating a Healthy Whole Food Diet Can Help Us Put Control of How We Feel Into Our Own Hands, and Is a Simple Action to Feel Well