Collaboration Council Working Together
Collaboration Council. The collaboration council is made up of 4 schools: Telford Junior, Telford Infants, Brookhurst and Milverton. We meet each half term. We discuss learning and speak for all the children in the 4 schools. We learn together and work as a team. We decide exciting projects.
In the past, we have raised money for Guide Dogs (2014), Learnt how to be Learning Detectives (2013), Learnt about the Olympic values (2012) and many more. Collaboration Council.
This Year... The Collaboration Council have decided that our focus will be Modern Foreign Languages. The Infant School have decided to focus on Spain and their culture. Meanwhile, The Junior school have voted to focus on Italy and their culture. Leaning Tower of Pisa(Pisa) Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)
Flags Italian Flag Spanish flag Rojigualda This symbol is The National Coat of Arms for Spain Tricolore This flag was adopted in June 1946.
What’s Happening During June/July we will be holding different events to celebrate Modern Foreign Languages week. Dancing Food wordsGames
Exciting Spanish learning at Telford Infant School: Singing in Spanish Counting Spanish dancing Special Spanish lunch with a menu Dressing in Spanish colours Learning to use the castanets Activity Day
Activities at Telford Junior School we will: Sample food from Italy Speak the language Play Roman Numerals Corners Match the words Dress in the colour of the flag Regina Regina Bella Create an Italian Menu