“Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities.” 1
Course Management System 2 ◦ A software system designed to help teachers in the creation and facilitation of their courses Open Source Software 2 ◦ Software whose source code is open for public review ◦ Free to download, free to modify, free to distribute Based on a “Social Constructionist Pedagogy” 2 ◦ Focus is on constructing, collaborating, creating, and sharing
Post course materials for students to retrieve ◦ Course syllabus ◦ Bibliographical guidelines ◦ Research instructions ◦ Course readings, videos, sounds, pictures ◦ Students get 24 hour access to the online course Create assignments for students ◦ Have them complete an assignment online ◦ Have them submit a paper through Moodle Complete online grading for Moodle activities
Start an online forum to facilitate student discussion Facilitate a Chat with students Create a Wiki for your students to collaborate on Create online quizzes Create an online glossary of course terms
Plan before you build 3 ◦ Start with a syllabus as you normally would Start small and build up 3 ◦ Start by posting resources on your Moodle site Hide sections of your course that are being worked on 3 ◦ Upload all of your content and keep it hidden until you are ready for students to see it Differentiate online activities from face to face meetings 4
Go to Click the Login link in the upper right hand corner Enter your Beloit College network username and password Fill in the account details
Be sure to include the course number and title You will receive an when your course setup is completed
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