20 TH C ENTURY H ISTORY Haley Westervelt 1A
“T HE N IGHT W HEN J OY B EGAN ” That night when joy began Our narrowest veins to flush, We waited for the flash Of morning's leveled gun. But morning let us pass, And day by day relief Outgrows his nervous laugh, Grown credulous of peace, As mile by mile is seen No trespasser's reproach, And love's best glasses reach No fields but are his own. -W.H. Auden
W ORLD W AR I Was the most violent, widespread conflict the world had seen (until WWII) An estimated 16 million people died (civilians and military personnel) Largely set the stage for WWII because of the Treaty of Versailles and European nationalism spawned by the war
T HE G REAT D EPRESSION Severe worldwide economic depression, starting in 1929 and lasting until the late 1930s Had devastating effects on every social class The “New Deal”: Franklin Roosevelt’s package of economic programs that was intended to provide relief, reform and recovery
W ORLD W AR II The most widespread war in history A conflict largely between two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis Over 70 million people died, making it the most deadly conflict in human history The Allies won the war, subsequently causing the US and the USSR to emerge as the world’s superpowers
T HE C OLD W AR A conflict largely between the United States and the Soviet Union Often called “the war without bullets” Includes the “space race” and a nuclear arms race Represented the conflict between capitalism and communism Lasted from 1945 to 1991
T HE V IETNAM W AR A Cold War conflict fought between Northern Vietnam (supported by the USSR) and Southern Vietnam (supported by the US) Lasted from 1959 to 1975 The US primarily entered the war to prevent Southern Vietnam from becoming communist, practicing “containment”
C IVIL R IGHTS M OVEMENT Worldwide political movement for equality before the law Martin Luther King Jr. was an extremely influential figure Eventually resulted in legal equality for many previously discriminated against minorities