Introduction . World war 2 was a worldwide conflict .During the war years of millions of people lost their lives estimates are more than 50 million people died as the result of the war. There were two sides in world war 2 the Axis and Allies.
Chapter 1 The story of world war 2 begins with Germany role in world war 2 During world war 1 Germany battled of European countries as the united states. After world war 1 the German economy fell apart.
Chapter 1 Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party. Adolf blamed jewish people for Germany probles. Hitler started his plans for the return of Germany power.
Chapter 2 Germany attacks In 1938 Hitler took over Austria and then invaded Czechoslovakia. In 1938 great Britain and France warned Hitler stop invading other countries. When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 great Britain and France declared war against Germany.
Chapter 2 Germany attack Once hitler realized that great Britain was not so eazy target he turned his attention to the soviet union. Because of the promise the soviet union did not oppose german activities
Chapter 3 Japan Attack While Germany was conquering Europe japan was taking power in Aisa In 1931 japan invaded manchoria which was consitured part of china. In 1931 launched another major attack against china
Chapter 2 Japan Attack On the moring of December 1941 hundreds of Japaneses airplanes and ships attack the U.S Preal harbor. The attack was devastating oily black smoke billawad up from sinking ship sailors trapped in the wreakage. The Japanese had damange of destroyed 347
THE US JOIN THE WAR In December 1941 the united states declared war on japan an ally of Germany Americans responded patriotically to the war effort. Remember pearl harbor!” Young men dropped out of school to enlist. Teachers, store clerks, farmers, and others joined the army.
United States join the war The war had huge effect on Americans-even at home. Factories that had once built cars and other goods joined the war effort Now those factories made airplanes, ships, and tanks. Farmers and ranchers worked hard to provide enough food to feed the American soldiers.
Chapter 4 It was important to make sure that soldiers had enough food and military supplies This cause shortages of things such as butter, sugar, and gasoline at home in the united states. A system called rationing allowed each family to buy only small amounts of scare items.
The War Continues The U.S. forces fought in many places around the world. Americans were in battles in the Atlantic Ocean, North America and Europe, and the Pacific Ocean From the start of war German U-boats, or submarines, prowled the Atlantic. By 1943, the allies had improved radar on their ships and planes.