Poetry Unit 1 st Grade Quarter 4
What is poetry? Brainstorm ideas with a partner Record as a class Funny poems
List Poems New Ideas Some poems don’t have capital letters Some poems don’t have periods Pick a topic Create list of words you think of related to the topic. Read “New School” Create a wordle!
Talking to an object Share your object with your neighbor. New Idea It’s important to write about things you like! “Turtle Poem”
Talking To An Object Write poem using “it looks like paper” as your guide. New Idea Authors Illustrate their poems after they finish writing them!
Repetition New Idea Some poems have lines that repeat themselves Poems with repetition
Repetition Step 1: Create a phrase you like Step 2: Brainstorm ideas of how you could repeat it in your poem Step 3: Create your poem Step 4: Illustrate
Rhyming New Idea Some poems rhyme Some poems do not rhyme Rhyming Video to-rhyme/ to-rhyme/
Rhyming How do I make a rhyme? w-to-write-funny-poetry-chapter-2/ w-to-write-funny-poetry-chapter-2/ Step 1: Choose a word that you want to rhyme with in your poem. Step 2: Tell your partner your word and all the words that rhyme with it!
Feeling In Poems New Idea It’s important to add feelings into our poems
Similes Like As (simile song!) similes.html ( examples ) similes.html
Similes She was _____ as a _____ He _______ like a ______
Shape Poem New Idea You can put words in any shape and any place on your paper! tp:// ofAJkwVK8_ogeNEKPrbKA7KpA=&h=580&w=576&sz=16&hl=en&start=21&zoom=1&tbnid=l5Y5oBqsIm2X9M:&tbnh=134&tbnw=133&ei =2vg7T5- FPOf40gGC4K2bCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dshape%2Bpoem%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26r lz%3D1R2ADFA_enUS466%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&safe=activeADFA_enUS466%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&safe=active Take an old poem and write it in a new shape!
Acrostic Poem Examples edu/faculty/dhummon/ acrostics/submitted_by _children.html edu/faculty/dhummon/ acrostics/submitted_by _children.html Create one with your own name! Use words that describe you, something you like to do, or a way that you feel!
Bio-Poem What is a Bio-Poem? – A poem that describes a person Examples: ortfolios/k/king_j/biop oem/howtowriteabiop oem.htm ortfolios/k/king_j/biop oem/howtowriteabiop oem.htm Line 1: Your first name Line 2: Who is...(Descriptive words that describe you) Line 3: Who is brother or sister of... Line 4: Who loves...(three ideas or people) Line 5: Who feels...(three ideas ) Line 6: Who needs...(three ideas) Line 7: Who gives...(three ideas) Line 8: Who fears...(three ideas) Line 9: Who would like to see... Line 10: Who shares... Line 11: Who is... Line 12: Who is a resident of... Line 13: Your last name
Strategies A Poet Uses Re-read poems Revise Changes a word if doesn’t feel right.
Collaborate With A Peer! Make a poem with a friend. You can create: – Shape poem – List poem – Repetition poem – Rhyming poem – Bio-poems (using both names)