Monopolies, Pools, and Trusts
A Monopoly: What Is It? A single seller of a product (good or service). –Monos: single, alone –Polo: to sell Lack of Competition means –Higher Prices –Inferior Goods and Services –Less Innovation Competition is the rivalry of two or more parties over something.
Competition Do you try harder when you’ve got competition? So do businesses! Think of two runners in a race…
Store A Monopolies and Competition $200 $190 $180 $170$160 $150 Store B
Store A Monopolies and Competition Store B $150 $200
Monopolies: Real Life Examples De Beers A “family” of diamond companies. Microsoft United States v. Microsoft Local Water Company The only provider for that service in your area.
Pools A voluntary agreement among companies that –sets production quotas –fixes prices –allocates sales and market territories Monopolistic Emerged before trusts After pools were struck down in courts, trusts emerged
Trusts Emerged in late 19 th century Intended to monopolize business Standard Oil Trust: first well-known trust Before we delve into industrial trusts, let’s take a look at what a legal trust is!
A Trust Fund A trust is like a holding pen for your money or assets. A trust has 4 components: –The grantor –The beneficiary –The assets –The trustee
Trusts (Monopolies) Stockholders turn over stock to board of trustees. Many smaller, competing firms merge into one big company. The trust can manage the companies without owning them!
Trusts (Monopolies) Trust Tactics: –Buy outs –Price undercuts –Long-term customer contracts –Forced customer purchases –Intimidation and violence Famous Trusts: –Standard Oil, US Steel, American Tobacco Company
Trusts (Monopolies) In this kind of trust, what are the assets and who is the grantor, beneficiary, and trustee? StockholdersTrust Stock
Breaking Trusts 1890: Sherman Antitrust Act 1914: Clayton Antitrust Act 1914: FTC Act 1911: Standard Oil Trust “busted” by government action
Are Monopolies Always Illegal? Not always! Only if they violate antitrust laws. Think about the Local Water Company…