 Earth Science Test 1 Notes. 1. Modern scientific research, with all of its technological advances, has taught as much as God’s creation.


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Presentation transcript:

 Earth Science Test 1 Notes

1. Modern scientific research, with all of its technological advances, has taught as much as God’s creation. Not only has it helped us to appreciate the intricacy and majesty of the universe, but it has also given us an appreciation for the uniqueness and glory of the earth.

2. Faith is confident belief in the authority or reliability of something. In other words, faith believes that someone or something is trustworthy enough that we can always depend on him or it.

3. The Bible is God’s communication to us, and as we listen to it, God given us faith to believe it is true and that, since it comes from Him, it is authoritative.

4. Science is valid only when it flows out of faith in God’s reality.

5. Evolutionists often criticize Creationists for believing things by faith instead of by scientific proof. They do not realize, or will not admit, that they also believe what they do by faith without any scientific proof.

6. Scientism is the belief that scientific inquiry is the only path to truth.

7. Big Bang Theory is the notion that the universe began in a gigantic explosion-like event about 15 billion years ago.

ex nihilo 8. The Bible also tells us that God created the universe out of nothing.

9. Many evolutionary scientists have become dissatisfied with the big bang theory and have developed a multitude of theories in an attempt to try to improve upon it.

Quiz 1A Notes 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 is on ________________ !

10. Christian worldview is the essence that can be captured in the three central of the Bible— Creation, the Fall and Redemption.

11. God created all that is in our universe in six literal Earth days.

12. Seven times in the account of God’s creation, it is mentioned that “it was good”.

13. Creational Goodness—it is clear from this authoritative biblical account that everything God created was originally good; sometimes this concept is called creational goodness.

14. Creation Mandate—Genesis 1:28, to make the best use of it, for agriculture, for construction for medicine, or even for art

15. Just as God has the ultimate dominion over all the universe, He gave mankind the privilege of exercising good and wise dominion over the earth and the things in it.

16. Because of the Fall God punished 4 areas: A. Snake 1. to crawl 2. Satan possessed the snake to tempt Eve 3. its anatomy reminds us of Satan’s ultimate defeat B. Woman 1. pain in childbirth 2. husband will rule over his wife

C. Man 1. work hard to provide 2. work hard to survive D. Nature 1. growth of thorns and thistles 2. these were grown where they were not wanted

How many people died in the flood?

All but 8

Quiz 1B Notes is on ________________ !

17. So any theory that does not faithfully support the Bible’s record of Creation is effectively taking Christ out of Christianity…evolutionists

18. Uniformitarism—the principle that natural laws and processes today are essentially the same as they always have been

19. secular—any person, or idea that relies on human values and does not take into account spiritual things, especially, the truth of the Bible

20. Materialism is the belief that only material things are real.

21. Fallacy is an error in reasoning

22. Hasty Generalization—when a person makes a general conclusion based on a small number of cases that are not necessarily typical of the whole group (when using a sample that is too small or a sample that is not representative of the whole) [conclusion is based on small #]

23. Circular Reasoning— assuming what you are trying to prove [assumptions]

24. Ad Hominem Fallacy— attacking the person involved in the argument instead of attacking the argument itself, insults against a person involved in the argument [insults]

25. Post Hoc Fallacy— assumes that something is the cause of an event because it happened before that event [assumes cause before the effect]

26. Pretended-Neutrality Fallacy—committed by people claiming to have no presuppositions [belief without proof—must use senses to have proof

Quiz 1C Notes is on ________________ !

27. Presupposition is an idea that a person takes for granted, something that is believed to be true without proof

28. If something cannot be observed with the five senses (or instruments that aid the senses), science is not equipped to deal with it and should not speak with any authority on the subject.

. 29. Inductive Reasoning—working from specific observations to a general truth

30. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the combined total of matter and energy in the universe is constant. In other words, neither is coming into existence today

31. Conservation energy cannot be created not destroyed in any process but only changed from one form to another

32. The Second Law of Thermodynamics involves two themes; degeneration or running down and entropy which describes the disorder of the system.

33. Since these steps do not always describe what scientists do, a more accurate way to think about a scientist’s work is the phrase scientific methodology

34. Given the same instruments and the same powers of observation, creationary and evolutionary scientists will usually produce exactly the same raw data.

35. Often scientists may question the validity of another scientist’s data or conclusions or a conclusion may give rise to additional questions. Their interpretation is different.

36. The worldview of a scientist often influences his questions.

37. A scientist develops a hypothesis in order to provide direction for finding an answer to his question.

38. A good hypothesis has five characterists: a. it must be reasonable b. it must be testable c. It must not contradict well-established scientific principles d. Must explain all current observations and successfully predict new ones e. It should be as simple as possible

39. A model is a working representation of what the scientist thinks is going on.

40. After a hypothesis has been tested and found not to fail, it gains stature as a theory.

41. If a well-established theory makes many correct predictions over time, and withstood testing, it comes to be known as a law.

42. Limitations of Science a. Science can deal with only the physical universe b. Science cannot prove universal (a blanket statement of denial) c. Science has an inability to make value judgments (value is the worth we attach to an object)

d. Science cannot make moral judgments (deals with the rightness and wrongness of an act) does not include medicine—not morally wrong e. Science cannot provide ultimate truths (science is changeable) f. Science is fallible and prone to error

Quiz 1D Note 42 is on ________________ !

43. bias—the subtle effect of a scientist worldview

TEST 1 Notes 1-43 is on ________________ ! Section reviews (1-3) and verses are due this day also!