Army Family Team Building Chain of Command
Course Objectives Differentiate between military rank Identify the organizational structure of Army units Identify different branches of the Army 2005/6
Branches of Department of Defense ARMY NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU AIR FORCE NAVY 2005/6
Organization of America’s Army Soldiers, Civilian Employees, And Family Members US ARMY RESERVES NATIONAL GUARD ACTIVE COMPONENT 2005/6
Armed Forces Insignia Enlisted – Army E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 no insignia PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE FIRST CLASS CORPORAL SERGEANT STAFF SERGEANT SERGEANT FIRST CLASS FIRST SERGEANT COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE ARMY SPECIALIST MASTER SERGEANT SERGEANT MAJOR Source:The Joint Staff Officer’s Guide 1993 (AFSC Pub 1). Norfolk, VA: National Defense University, Armed Forces Staff College, 1993; and the U.S. Department of Defense Official website at: 2005/6
Armed Forces Insignia Officer – Army O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 SECOND LIEUTENANT FIRST LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT COLONEL BRIGADIER GENERAL MAJOR GENERAL CAPTAIN MAJOR COLONEL O9 O10 SPECIAL Warrant Officers W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 General of the Army rank is reserved for wartime only LIEUTENANT GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL OF THE ARMY WARRANT OFFICER 1 WO1 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 2 CW2 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 3 CW3 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 4 CW4 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 5 CW5 Source:The Joint Staff Officer’s Guide 1993 (AFSC Pub 1). Norfolk, VA: National Defense University, Armed Forces Staff College, 1993; and the U.S. Department of Defense Official website at: 2005/6 December 2002
Squad or Section 2 Fire Teams or 7 – 11 Soldiers Usually lead by a Staff Sergeant (E-6) Staff Sergeant E-6 SSG Private E-2 PV2 Private First Class E-3 PFC Specialist E-4 SPC Corporal E-4 CPL Sergeant E-5 SGT 2005/6
Platoon Second Lieutenant O-1 2LT Sergeant First Class E-7 SFC 2 or more Squads Command Team: Usually lead by Lieutenant (O-1) & Platoon Sergeant (E-7) 2005/6
Company, Troop, or Battery Captain O-3 CPT First Sergeant E-8 1SG First Lieutenant/XO O-2 1LT Headquarters & 2 or more Platoons Command Team: Captain (O-3) & First Sergeant (E-8) 100 – 200 Soldiers 2005/6
Battalion or Squadron Headquarters & 2 – 6 Companies Lieutenant Colonel O-5 LTC Command Sergeant Major E-9 CSM Major/XO O-4 MAJ Headquarters & 2 – 6 Companies Command Team: Lieutenant Colonel (O-5) & Command Sergeant Major (E-9) 500 – 600 Soldiers 2005/6
Lieutenant Colonel/XO Brigade or Regiment Command Sergeant Major E-9 CSM Lieutenant Colonel/XO O-5 LTC Colonel O-6 COL Headquarters & 2 – 6 Battalions Command Team: Colonel (O-6) & Command Sergeant Major (E-9) 2,000 – 4,000 Soldiers 2005/6
Command Structure 2005/6 Brigade Battalion Battalion Battalion PITS COL CSM PITS S1-Personnel S2-Intelligence S3-Training S4-Supply Battalion Battalion CSM Battalion LTC 1SG CPT Company 3 to 5 per Company 3 to 5 per Company 3 to 5 per SFC 2/1LT Platoon 3 to 4 per Platoon 3 to 4 per Platoon 3 to 4 per SSG Squad 3 to 4 per Squad 3 to 4 per Squad 3 to 4 per SGT Team 3 to 4 per Team 3 to 4 per Team 3 to 4 per 2005/6
2005/6 MACOMS Active Divisions: Total = 10 Corps 2-5 Div Corps 2-5 Div Four Corps I Corps III Corps V Corps XVIII ABC Division 3 Brigades Brigade 3 or more Bn Brigade 3 or more Bn Brigade 3 or more Bn Battalion 3-5 Cos. Active Divisions: Total = 10 Integrated Divisions: Total = 2 7th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO 24th Infantry Division, Fort Riley, KS ARNG Divisions: Total = 8 Reserve Training Divisions: Total = 12 Company 3-4 Plts Platoon 3-4 Squads Squads 3-4 Teams Teams 3-4 Soldiers 2005/6
Branches of the Army 2005/6 Operational Support and Effects Force Sustainment (Combat Services Support) Adjutant General Chaplin Corps Finance Judge Advocate General Ordnance Quartermaster Transportation Medical Corps Dental Corps Veterinary Corps Medical Service Corps Army Nurse Corps Army Medical Specialist Corps Maneuver and Fire (Combat Arms) Air Defense Artillery Armor Aviation Corps of Engineers Field Artillery Infantry Special Forces Operational Support and Effects (Combat Support) Chemical Military Intelligence Military Police Signal 2005/6
Course Objectives Differentiate between military rank Identify the organizational structure of Army units Identify different branches of the Army 2005/6
Army Family Team Building Chain of Command