First Army 102 for Spouses Army Family Strong Video * * Play Video * * The purpose of this presentation is to provide information on the Army National Guard and Army Reserve functions. The nation's military force is comprised of active duty Soldiers and National Guard and Reserve Soldiers, sometimes referred to as “Weekend Warriors.” Desert Shield/Desert Storm provided more visibility on the reserves and reserves Family programs. Currently, the reserves global mission requires full participation from the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The Reserve and National Guard units have evolved into the Army’s “Total Force” and combat multiplier. Today, Reserve Component units are now “Operation Forces” instead of previously being a “Strategic Reserve.” Army Family Strong Video
Mission MOBILIZE TRAIN DEPLOY First Army, as FORSCOM's designated coordinating authority for implementation of the Army Total Force Policy, partners with USAR and ARNG leadership to advise, assist, and train RC formations to achieve Department of the Army directed readiness requirements during both pre- and post-mobilization through multi-component integrated collective training, enabling FORSCOM to provide Combatant Commanders trained and ready forces in support of worldwide requirements. When your Soldier receives mobilization orders, it means simply reporting to the Army Reserve home station, which is usually the Army Reserve Center, where the unit will begin preparing for activation. Prior to 9/11, the Army Reserves supported active duty through annual training during the summer months. Being a Reservist or member of the Army National Guard--and balancing a civilian job, Family obligations, and military duties -- is a tough challenge. MOBILIZE TRAIN DEPLOY
TSB X JBLM FT Hood CP Shelby JBMDL CP Atterbury FT Bliss OPS HQ Division East FT Meade West First Army Footprint FT Stewart FT Knox FT McCoy USAR Training Support Bn (TSBn) / Logistics Support Bn (LSBn) FIRST ARMY Rock Island Arsenal 2 Divisions 11 Training Support Bdes (TSB) 5 OPS Bdes 85 Training Support BNs (TSBn) - 42 AC - 43 USAR 18 Logistic Support BNs (LSBn) - all USAR Since 2008, First Army has undertaken a rigorous transformation and reorganization program in order to improve efficiency and better support the ARFORGEN process. We have now consolidated TSB’s & OPS BDEs at five (5) Primary MTCs: Fort Bliss, Fort Hood, JBMDL, and Camp Shelby to better support mobilization operations. We also maintain a footprint at Alternate MFGIs (also called MTC) with 1 TSB each at Fort Stewart, Fort McCoy & Fort Knox, 2 TSBs at JB Lewis McCord and 1 TSB / 1 OPS BDE at Camp Atterbury to support surge mobilizations. OPS BDEs have primary responsibility for Mob Planning, and Synchronization with Supporting Commands and will assume OPCON of mobilized RC units. TSBs have primary responsibility for training. 5. First Army has 2 Divisions, 16 Brigades (TSB/OPS BDE) and 103 Battalions (TSBn/LSBn). 6. USAR TSBn/LSBn Locations are indicated by the Green Boxes. SRAAGs assigned to each State/ARNG Mobilization Force Generation Installations (MFGI)
Mobilization Reserve component units are alerted up to 24 months and mobilization orders approved 180 days prior to mobilization Soldiers report to armories or Army Reserve centers Soldiers depart for Mobilization Force Generation Installations (MFGIs) Soldiers arrive at MFGIs and begin in-processing Although Soldiers are trained at home station, they receive realistic wartime training at the mobilization training centers (MTCs). An example would be the MTC at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. In June 2004, Camp Shelby was federalized as a FORSCOM Mobilization Center. During wartime, the camp's mission is to serve as a major enduring MTC.
Training All units are manned, equipped, and fully trained by FIRST ARMY to meet the unit’s particular mission. Training length depends on the unit mission. During the training period, Soldiers are not allowed to leave the MTC unless a pass is authorized. Alcohol is not authorized during the training period, in accordance with First Army’s Mobilization Standards Policy #21, dated 9 September 2011. During training, Soldiers are not allowed to leave the mobilization training center due to highly structured training cycles. Family contact must meet criteria set by the mobilization training center commander. Families are not aware of these requirements and procedures; therefore, it is the Soldier’s responsibility to articulate the information to their loved one.
Army Reserve VIDEO Army Reserves Celebrate 105 Years * * Play Video * * Here is a 5-minute video that gives you a more defined snapshot of Army Reserve. Army Reserves Celebrate 105 Years
Army Reserve Mission The Army Reserve's mission, under Title 10 of the U.S. Code, is to provide trained, equipped, and ready Soldiers and cohesive units to meet the global requirements across the full spectrum of operations. The Army Reserve is a key element in the Army multi-component unit force, training with Active and National Guard units to ensure all three components work as a fully integrated team. The Army Reserve is part of US Code, Title 10, supports the active component wartime mission, and is commanded by a 3-star general.
Regional Support Commands 88th RSC Ft McCoy, WI Kansas Nebraska Iowa Missouri Minnesota Wisconsin Ohio Illinois Indiana Michigan Utah Colorado South Dakota North Dakota Montana Wyoming Idaho Oregon Washington Virginia West Virginia MD DC Pennsylvania New York Maine VT NH CT MA RI DE 63d RSC Mountain View, CA 99th RSC Ft Dix, NJ California Nevada Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee North Carolina South Carolina Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida Louisiana Regional Support Commands provide base operations and administrative support to Army Reserve units and Reserve Centers within their geographic region. The Army Reserve also has Soldiers in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, Germany, Japan, and Korea. 81st RSC Ft Jackson, SC
Army Reserve Regional Contacts . Army Reserve Regional Contacts 63D REGIONAL SUPPORT COMMAND – SOUTH WEST 153 Dailey Road Moffett Field, California 94035-1000 Phone: (650) 526-9623 81ST REGIONAL SUPPORT COMMAND (SOUTHWEST (VA TO FL AND PR) 1525 Marion Avenue Fort Jackson, South Carolina 29045 Phone: (803) 751-9914 88TH REGIONAL SUPPORT COMMAND – MID WEST (ACROSS OH, MI, AND OREGON) 60 South O. Street Fort McCoy, Wisconsin 54656 Phone: 1-877-560-3086 OR (608) 388-0447 99TH REGIONAL SUPPORT COMMAND – NORTHEAST (MAINE TO VA, DC) 5231 S. Scott Plaza Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey 08640-5062 Phone: (609) 562-7507 Army Reserve Family Programs offer tools and assistance for Soldiers and their Family members. These are regional Family Programs representatives that you may contact if you need assistance.
Army National Guard VIDEO * * Play Video * * At this time, there will be a video on the Army National Guard that runs approximately five minutes. Army National Guard 375 Years of Value and Vigilance
Army National Guard Mission The Army National Guard is a community-based, dual missioned, operational force. US Code Title 32 = State Mission US Code Title 10 = Federal Mission The Army National Guard provides the Army with ready units in predictable cycle that responds in support of Combatant Commanders on a global level and domestic missions on behalf of the governors. The Army National Guard is operated by states and their governors. Basically, the Army National Guard is commanded by The Adjutant General of each state. Although Army National Guard Soldiers mobilize, they also handle state emergencies (i.e., Hurricane Katrina). The Army National Guard is led by a 4-star general who also commands the Air National Guard.
Army National Guard in 50 States & 4 Territories As you can see, the Army National Guard is located in each state and four territories, including Puerto Rico. The Army National Guard offers a large selection of military occupation specialties throughout a range of skills divided into the following major categories: - Combat, - Combat Service Support, - Combat Support, and - Table of Distribution and Allowances units. The Army National Guard has a unique dual mission, with both Federal and State responsibilities. During peacetime, the Governor, through the State Adjutant General, commands Guard forces. The Governor can call the Guard into action during local or statewide emergencies (e.g., as storms, drought, civil disturbances, etc). In addition, the President of the United States can activate the National Guard to participate in Federal missions.
Army National Guard Family Programs Family Programs Branch Chief ARNG-HRS Office: (703) 607-3123 BB: (571) 215-9314 Ms. Nadine Moore is currently the Family Program Director for the Army National Guard Bureau in Washington, DC. If you have a question concerning policy or regulation, she can be contacted. Otherwise, please contact your local state, headquarters, or division Family Programs Manager or Coordinator for further information.
The Secretary of Defense initiated the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program which provides information, services, referral, and proactive outreach programs to Soldiers of the Army Reserve, National Guard, and their Families through all phases of the deployment cycle. The goal of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program is to prepare Soldiers and Families for mobilization, sustain Families during mobilization, and reintegrate Soldiers with their Families, communities, and employers upon redeployment or release from active duty. The program includes information on current benefits and resources available to help overcome the challenges of reintegration. The 30, 60, and 90-day post-deployment or release from active duty (REFRAD) requirements are for reintegration purposes only and are performed in Annual Training (AT) status for Soldiers. Family members are authorized travel on Invitational Travel Orders. Region Notice: Soldiers/Family members MUST attend Yellow Ribbon Events 4-6 (Post Deployment Events) within their region.
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Contacts US ARMY RESERVE COMMAND (USARC): Headquarters, USARC, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Phone: (910) 570-9035 85th Division (Training Support), Arlington Heights, Illinois Phone: (847) 506-2105 / 7607 87th Division (Training Support), Birmingham, Alabama Phone: (205) 987-8443 x4463, (501) 771-7943 NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU (NGB): Headquarters, NGB, Arlington, Virginia Phone: (703) 607-9740
A no charge, career-services program that collaborates with the civilian sector to… Match skill sets between Service members and civilian sector jobs Facilitate career opportunities and employment for Reserve Component Service members, their Family and Veterans Capitalize on shared training and credentialing between the military and the civilian sector Identify and implement future workforce innovations Reduce unemployment rates of our veterans CONTACTS Toll Free: 1.877.450.HIRE (4473) Website: E-mail For Service members: In 2006, Lieutenant General Jack C. Stultz, Chief of the Army Reserve, with the Commanding General of the US Army Reserve Command, outlined his vision for the Employer Partnership of the Armed Forces. This program is a collaboration of the Reservist and civilian sector to match military skills with civilian jobs.
RESOURCES Google Military OneSource Dept of Veterans Affairs Operation Enduring Families Exchange Online Catalog TRICARE American Red Cross DFAS ESGR IRS e-file Homeland Security Military Health System Military INSTALLATIONS These are links that contain beneficial information for Soldiers and their Families.
FAMILY READINESS Family separations are a part of Army life, but can be made easier with good planning, preparation, and a strong communication link with the unit. An integral part of Family Readiness is the assurance that Family members are aware of Army benefits and entitlements. Family Readiness Groups (FRG) can assist in determining eligibility, accessing services, and providing other pertinent information. The FRG keeps people connected and informed, provides referrals to resources and tools to be self-sufficient, and helps in time of need. The FRG provides a network of communication among Family members, the Chain of Command, the Chain of Concern, and community resources. Additional Family Readiness information is included in the First Army 101 for Spouses presentation on the Headquarters First Army Family Programs website First Army 101 FRGs are a fully defined and officially supported function within the U.S. Army, and include men, women, and children from throughout the military community. The FRG provides feedback to the command on the state of the unit “Family" and is considered a unit commander’s program. Ideally, all Army units, both active and reserve, sponsor FRGs as an avenue of mutual support and assistance, and as a network of communications among the Family members, the chain of command, chain of concern, and community resources.
Trained & Ready Soldiers Returning Combat Veterans + Family Readiness First Army equals trained and ready Soldiers, and Family Readiness. Returning Combat Veterans
Headquarters First Army QUESTIONS Headquarters First Army Point of Contact Family Programs 309-782-9489 / 9488 DSN 793 * * Any closing comments or questions? * *