October 24, 2012 #23: Daily Warm-Up ( IN YOUR JOURNAL) In three complete sentences, explain why people immigrate to the United States.
Immigration What is immigration?
To enter and usually become established; especially : to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence Immigration
Migration What is migration?
To move from one country, place, or locality Migration
The Bering Land Bridge --Between 12,000-15,000years ago --Migrated to North America from Asia --Arrived as early as 50,000 B.C. --People were called Paleo-Indians --Around 5,000 B.C., disappearance of large game led to a series of regional developments --Resulted in emergence of great civilizations like—Inca, Maya, and Aztec
British Colonization --Between 17 th and 18 th century --Migrated due to Economic Reason --Tobacco was a HUGE CASH CROP—many people got wealthy from this crop --U.S.A. & Canada share similar cultures and British backgrounds…speak English, majority are Christian, and we have ties to the United Kingdom
Irish Potato Famine --Occurred during the summer of A blight of “unusual character” --Potato was basic staple in Irish diet --Fungus had traveled from Mexico to Ireland --Over the next ten years let to… -750,000 Irish dead/2 million immigrated -Immigration to G.B., Canada, and the U.S. -Upon arriving in U.S.A—lots of issues with natives, “lowest rung of society”
California Gold Rush was a big year for San Francisco --Known as “49ers” , San Francisco’s population grew from 12,000 to more than 50,000 and it was considered the largest and most important city in the West
The Great Migration --Between 1915 and Cities African American populations grew esp. in New York City, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland. --Left South due to limited economic opportunities and strict segregation laws --Ethnic Enclaves like Harlem
The Dust Bowl --From 1934 to Covered parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado --By the end of the decade… -1/2 of Oklahoma’s pop. had migrated -Headed West to California for work and a better life.