Wait… what is conjugating again? When do I need to do it?
What is an infinitive? What letter does an infinitive end in?
Conjugating –ar verbs is similar to conjugating –er and –ir verbs. What are the steps I need to follow when conjugating an –ar verb? 1. Drop off the –ar 2. Add appropriate endings oamos as aan
1. Drop off the –er 2. Add appropriate endings: oemos es********* een
comer – to _____________
comer – to __eat__ comocomemos comes*********** comecomen
1. Drop off the –ir 2. Add appropriate endings: oimos es********* een
vivir – to _____________
vivir– to __live__ vivovivimos vives*********** viveviven
ver - _______
ver - __to see__ veoveovemos ves********* veven