Plate tectonics Katina Gamleah, Elizabeth Woodward, and Eduardo Pena Jr.
Plate tectonic Divergent zone Convergent zone Subduction zone Transform boundaries Tsunami
Plate tectonics
Convergent zones Ocean-Ocean Ocean-Continent Continent-Continent Subduction zones Collisional boundary
Ocean-Continent The plates are pieces of crust that move along on top of the underlying magma The farther the ocean crust travels away from where it is made the more dense it becomes The dense old rock can no longer travel on top of the magma and that dense rock falls into the magma (subduction zone)
Different Plate boundaries on single plate The pacific Plate has several different plate boundary types. The Japan Trench is one of several subduction zones that line the plate boundary Mid-ocean ridge has some divergent zone areas. California has several transform areas.
Pressure of the rock The pressure in the rock reached a point where it snapped like an over extended rubber band In Japan 3/10/11 at 6 miles deep the snap was a magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale. This was an upward mega thrust that displaced the water in the ocean.
Tsunami Tsunami can occur from any large displacement of water in the ocean from earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.
Tsunami Distance
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Japan March 2011 Earthquakes 4.0+ Richter Scale is between 0-10 magnitude 10.0 never Recorded earth- quakes N/A There were earthquake s but data not available earth- quakes first was 9.o in the early after noon earth- quakes earth- quakes earth- quakes earth- quakes earth- quakes earth- quakes earth- quakes
YOUR ASSIGNMENT: 1. Research another earthquake/tsunami event from history and write a 2 page comparative essay. 2. Create a power point slide presentation illustrating the events over the last two weeks in sequential order. Include: the event, the subsequent secondary fallout from the event, the Japanese government’s response and World response to the event. 3. Build a model that explains what happens when tectonic plates move. 4. Identify 3 other active subduction zone areas. Compare their geographic location with Japan’s and analyze how each location would be affected by an 9.0 magnitude earthquake. (To include one location from the Northern Hemisphere). Create a poster or posters to illustrate information. 5. Gather and create a statistical data chart about the earthquakes from Make predictions about potential earthquakes in the next 2 years based on data collected. Write at least 2 paragraphs supporting your predictions.