A Master Course on-line Operative notes Irkutsk 5 October 2005 Irkutsk GIGP 2005 Agostino Marengo University of Bari Italy
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE2 An “How to” planning example
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE3 A Professor can’t… … wake up in the morning and start planning an e-learning course…. It’ll be a good way to give some tools to students.. But… It’ll be like the difference between 80’s Informatics and 90’s Information Technology YOU NEED A DIDACTIC TEAM PROJECT
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE4 Deming Lifecycle
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE5 What we are talking about The Learning Model The Delivery Model Courses Structure Calendars of Activities Scheduling of a single activity
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE6 The Learning Model Six points: 1. Pre-assessment: Skills and abilities of the students to maximize the teaching results 2. Contents: course contents, how are defined, how are structured, and what’s the material built on 3. Didactic Project: the way every single course is structured and the recommended didactic path, to maximize student’s learning and cultural growth
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE7 The Learning Model 4. Delivery: didactic action… who, when and how didactic path will be developed and proposed 5. Evaluation: how to fix student’s level after the learning process 6. Monitoring: who made what, when and how good… tracking and analysis
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE8 The Delivery Model A combination of 3 models: 1. Classical: the teacher in class, face to face (high level of interaction) 2. Distance learning: an extension of classical model, “just” using technolgy stuffs (CD Rom, Videoconferencing); there can be synchronous and asynchronous phases 3. E-learning: all phases are integrated into a Learning Management System (contents, path, assessments, evaluation, monitoring)
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE9 The Delivery Model The proposed model is an Hybrid Model, adopting the best of those 3 models: Some classical sessions (F2F): a direct contact Make CD Rom for every Module/Didactic unit Learning path on the LMS Self-evaluation on LMS Synchronous and asynchronous tools to make group working Additional activities BLENDEDBLENDED
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE10 The Delivery Model The model needs: One tutor every 50 students Every course has similar scheme and structure Materials are distributed on CD Rom and on LMS Periodic self-evaluation for each student Activities and learning monitoring for each student 2 hours a week for synchronous activities teacher/students Teacher manages asynchronous contacts with students Traditional evaluation
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE11 Courses Structure Learning Modules: autonomous learning units (like a little book on an argument) At the end there will be a self-evaluation Every Module contains some Learning Units Learning Unit: some related arguments (like a chapter in a book) Every module includes form 1 to 8 learning units
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE12 ECTS vs Learning Units Every ECTS equals 25 hours student’s working Usually is: 2 ECTS = 3 LU … (2/3) Every LU covers 1 week lessons (6 hours lessons)
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE13 A typical course structure Every course has a Didactic Planning Document: Course name, ECTS, time length Name and of teacher, exerciser and tutor On-line and F2F student receiving Pre-requirements (skills, abilities and knowledge) Learning goals LU highlights Evaluation rules and minimum requirements Bibliography and suggested books
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE14 A typical course structure LU structure: LU track (trace… contents) LU lectures: Materials and reading LU Learning Activities, practices and tests Self-evaluation P.S.: self.evaluation will be every 2 or 3 LUs, published online on wensday and the corrections/comments will be online on monday
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE15 LU tracks LU name LU contents (few rows) LU pre-requirements LU learning goals LU Contents outline: refers to the book or Internet web sites, etc LU Activities, practices and tests (what and how)
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE16 LU Lectures A copy of learning support documents: Limited book parts (scanned) Journal papers Teacher dispenses Internet downloaded material All documents in PDF format and indexed It’s the material LU refers to, in the LU track (Content outline)
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE17 LU Learning Activities Some more close examination materials Practices proposals Tests Case studies Small projects developing Small essays A lot of demonstration examples
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE18 LU Self Evaluation Every 2 or 3 weeks Single and multiple choice tests Tracking and corrections Time limits and how many attempts Evaluation instruments that fits a good result if we’ll use it constantly
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE19 Virtual class Group and general forums (group rooms in which develop projects) Chat rooms FAQ session Tutor shape will be strongly feel from students (he’ll help, encourage and stimulate) Classical or Collaborative Learning??
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE20 Top down view…
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE21 Calendar of activities An example: WHENWHENWHATWHAT
A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE24 Meet students Put Materials online students contacts TestTest Receiving students Self evaluation Self evaluation correction COURSE END
Questions? Contacts Agostino Marengo