Idealized Influence Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration
High in intrinsic motivation Focus on developing followers Emphasis on building collaboration & trust Concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and morals
Exchange of valued things – Economic, political, psychological, commercial Focus on the management of the organization/group Focus on procedures and efficiency Focus on working to rules and contracts Managing current issues and problems Lack of a binding relationship between leader and follower Created by Eric Brunner
Transactional Leadership Transformational Leadership Leadership is responsiveLeadership is proactive Works within the culture Work to change the culture by implementing new ideas Transactional leaders make followers achieve objectives through rewards and punishment Transformational leaders motivate and empower followers to achieve objectives by appealing to higher ideals and moral values Motivates followers by appealing to their own self- interest Motivates followers by encouraging them to transcend their own interests for those of the group or unit Created by Eric Brunner
What is your style of leadership???
Let’s put this theory into practice!
Transformational Leadership By Bernard M. Bass & Ronald E. Riggio Utilize Temple’s Library!!!