Have a very good account of the population and the dwellings Knowing the distribution by sex, age and in the territory of the population Pick up the main characteristics of the population and their dwellings for assessment and implementation of adjustment policies To maintain national and international comparison of information as far as possible. To provide inputs for the development of sample frameworks where the household surveys will be carried out. To provide inputs for the population projections. To construct the National Inventory of Dwellings.
To carry out a thoroughly enumeration of population and the existing dwellings in the country. Delve into some of the topics of interest through a sample. To obtain top quality information. Delivery of preliminar results by November 25, Delivery of results in less than 10 months: March 3, 2011.
“De jure”. Usual residents across the country and their dwellings. Face-to-face personal interview using two types of census forms. The head of the household, either woman or man, his or her partner or resident of 15 years and over. June 12, May 31 to June 25, Type of Census Observation units Collecting method Proxy respondent Reference moment Census-taking period
Mexico is a country with: high emigration to the United States until Return Migration from Fertility rate that has stagnated in recent years. It has a high concentration of population in large cities (66% live in 59 metropolitan areas). It also has a large dispersion for 23.2% of the population lives in 189, 000 localities of less than 2500 inhabitants.
Mexico is a country with: There are about 9% of dwellings with irregular possession and usually they are growths on the city outskirts and have high levels of exclusion. 14% of addresses recorded in the last census does not have a clear reference to a street name. In states such as Chiapas this situation is exacerbated by presenting a percentage of 40%. Coupled with the absence of an outside number that identifies dwellings.
To combine a: short-form : 29 questions, 9 for the dwelling and 20 for a person with a long-form :75 questions, 19 for the dwelling and the rest for a person. To only apply one census form in every dwelling. To update the whole country mapping in 2008, 2009 and even during the information collection by satellite images and field paths. To delimit the responsibility areas according to the land characteristics, and the balance between the workloads and the control areas through a fully automated system. To develop 7 systems of computation, that permit to get control both the field as the control and capture of questionnaires
To use a building list for the field path and as a basis for the National Inventory of Dwelling. To verify the uninhabited and temporary use conditions of the constructed buildings intended for habitation and to obtain coverage indexes by the post-enumeration survey. Pick up a questionnaire on the characteristics in communities of less than inhabitants Pick up a questionnaire on the characteristics of the urban environment on every block in the towns of or more inhabitants
It is a single national system that allows georeferencing statistical information from censuses and surveys with corresponding geographic locations at different levels of disaggregation. Basic Geographical and Statistical Area (AGEB) State Geographical and Statistical Area (AGEE) Municipal Geographical and Statistical Area (AGEM) Rural AGEBUrban AGEB Urban localities (2,500 or more inhabitans) Rural localities
To identify and classify dwellings under the full coverage and top quality premises, with the following strategies: Full canvass. Interviewer by geographic area. Census promoter in restricted-access areas. Teams in risk areas or dormitories. Self-enumeration. Call centers and Internet. Special operations: Collective dwellings. Homeless population. People working in the Mexican Foreign Service.
Upon receiving workload, the interviewer (he/she) must explore his/her area with the following objectives : Ensure proper placement of the block that supervisor assigns to you, by checking the markings around the block with those indicated in the map. Detect and make mapping updates as required. Know the order, distribution and type of buildings within the block, in order to detect those who have more than one entry or access and thereby avoid duplication or realize about access restrictions during collection of the information.
Once the canvass field has finished, the interviewer registers in the instrument called Building List all buildings in the block. In addition to dwelling and living quarters with activity the following were also listed: Buildings constructed or adapted for human habitation, with or without usual residents. The buildings were not built for human habitation but had usual residents. The provisional shelters and facilities with usual residents.
Aim for interviewer can identify all dwellings within a block, he/she registers the address if it exists, otherwise an enduring feature of the dwelling.
Besides dwellings the list included: Questions to verify that the building was or was not a dwelling, and to identify dwellings within the same land. Building type control. Outcome control of the visit to the dwelling. Space to schedule appointments in dwellings.
The interviewer knocked on all buildings in her/his work area and when there was no proxy respondent: He/she went with two neighbors to investigate if someone usually lived in the place and at what time the person was at home to return and conduct the interview. It was qualified as housing for temporary use if the neighbors indicated that it was inhabited few days or weeks a year. If the neighbors said that nobody lived in the place, it was identified as uninhabited dwelling. She/he observed the conditions of the buildings to identify those that were under construction or in ruins. The supervisor confirmed the status of the housing and stuck the uninhabited/temporary use tag.
Due to the lack of clear addresses in the country, operation is controlled by the National Geographical and Statistical Framework. Addresses, if any, are used in the last stage to identify a dwelling within a block. In addition to list dwellings, the building list identifies all buildings in the block helping to a better housing enumeration. On the other hand, the control of the advance information is taken about the number of dwellings within the block, not by addresses.
In planning, areas are identified by geographical and statistical framework A canvass field is performed Register of all buildings within the area The building list is the basis for monitoring progress on visits to dwelling
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