Healthy Relationships & Dating Violence
Quizzes Healthy Relationship Quiz OR Am I a Good Boyfriend/Girlfriend Quiz
Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships In healthy relationships: Partners have an open line of communication and talk freely about their problems. They are respectful of what each other has to say and value each other for who they are. They are honest and can develop and maintain trust, but they are able to keep personal things to themselves. Both partners have a say in how things go in the relationship and make decisions together, especially those regarding sex. Healthy couples spend time together, but also enjoy spending time apart. In unhealthy relationships: Partners have trouble communicating and often fight when they try to talk about problems. Partners are disrespectful to each other, untrusting of each other and often tell lies. Couples sometimes feel crowded or notice that they are spending all of their time with each other. Partners may pressure each other into having sex. An important note — unhealthy relationships are NOT necessarily abusive. In abusive relationships: The abusive partner communicates in a way that is hurtful or insulting. They aim to have power and control over their partner. Abusive partners may force their partner to engage in sexual behaviors.
Types of Abuse Emotional Includes non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring or “checking in,” excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking.stalking. Sexual: Any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don't want to do. It can also refer to behavior that impacts a person's ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs, including oral sex, rape or restricting access to birth control and condoms. Digital: The use of technologies such as texting and social networking to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate a partner. Often this behavior is a form of verbal or emotional abuse perpetrated online.stalkverbal or emotional abuse Physical: Any intentional and unwanted contact with you or something close to your body. Sometimes abusive behavior does not cause pain or even leave a bruise, but it's still unhealthy.
Activity: What Would You do? What would you do if you thought a friend was in an abusive relationship? I’ll read a scenario, and give you 3 options of how to respond to the situation Choose option 1, 2 or 3 and move to that part of the room We’ll discuss each response as a group
Video: PSA Rxme1RU&list=PL6B2DED86929BF82B&index=5 Rxme1RU&list=PL6B2DED86929BF82B&index=5 Reactions? What did you think of the video? The video may have seemed cheesy – that’s okay – but it did show the real warning signs of an abusive relationship.
Warning Signs of Abuse Watch for these warning signs of abuse: Constantly putting you down Extreme jealousy or insecurity Explosive temper Isolating you from family or friends Making false accusations Mood swings Physically hurting you in any way Possessiveness Telling you what to do Remember: Abuse often escalates.
But is abuse a big problem for teens? “One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner.
Resources Information in this presentation is from Great resource on healthy relationships & dating violence! If you or someone you know is experiencing any form of dating abuse: Talk to a trusted adult (parent, teacher, coach, relative) Come to the school based clinic - we’re a safe space and can help connect you with resources Text “loveis” to to talk to a peer advisor who can give you advice and help Call 612–656-YAYA (9292) to talk to a local advocate and be connected with services in the Twin Cities
Closing Activity: Love is….. Write what love is to you on the poster!