(warm-up) Cover Page Write MEXICO and your NAME some where on the “cover Page” 7-10 colored pictures that describe you. If you don’t complete it- Homework
Table of Contents Page #AssignmentGrade FrontCover 2Table of Contents 3City Drawing 4Illustrative Dictionary 9Article Analysis
Page 3 in your Interactive Notebook Think of a city you know or recently visited. On the top part of your paper draw and label some of its main features. Include important buildings, main streets, major landmarks, neighborhoods, and homes. You will have 5 minutes to do this.
Count Down…. 5
ONLY…. 1
Bottom part of Paper What are the best characteristics of this city? What are the worst characteristics of this city?
<> Mexico City, Mexico Largest city in the world.
Read sections 9.1 and 9.2. Create a illustrated Geo Term page on page 3 of your notebook.
Pg 4. Write a definition of each term in own words Write a sentence that includes the term and the words Mexico City Geo Term and Symbol DefinitionSentence Spatial inequality Pg 141 In Mexico City spatial inequality is common and often the lower economic people make up the most population. Rural Decline Standard of living Urbanization
MEXICO CITY Read section 9.3 Pg 4 of Notebook.
Part 1: Read section 9.3. Answer the questions. Only 15% of Mexico’s land is good for farming (arable). Most of the land is held by the few wealthy. Small farmers can’t buy seeds, fertilizer or machinery. Can’t compete with big farms. Sell their land. What challenges do farmers face in Mexico’s countryside? Why do farmers decide to migrate to the city? Better life Money-financial security Children better chance at education Population density Green space per person % of homes built with good materials % of people over 15 w/ education beyond elementary Percentage of homes with water Number of police officers Neighborhood Survey
Staple to the notebook.
Mexico City University Students: Our Guides
First Neighborhood we will Visit. Read Section 9.3. Complete Part 1 of the Reading notes.
You will now Meet this women. She is a recent migrant to this neighborhood. Record information in Part 2 of your reading notes.
Part 1: Read section 9.3. Answer the questions. Only 15% of Mexico’s land is good for farming (arable). Most of the land is held by the few wealthy. Small farmers can’t buy seeds, fertilizer or machinery. Can’t compete with big farms. Sell their land. What challenges do farmers face in Mexico’s countryside? Why do farmers decide to migrate to the city? Better life Money-financial security Children better chance at education Population density Green space per person % of homes built with good materials % of people over 15 w/ education beyond elementary Percentage of homes with water Number of police officers Neighborhood Survey
Reading Read 9.5 in your handouts. The “Have Nots” struggle to survive.
Read the second part of Section 9.5 How the “Haves” live and live Well
Street Cafe Put your desk in groups of Four. However There are 6 of you at the table. Your two University guides are sitting with you at the ends. You are going to discuss your survey findings in the restaurant.
Felipe Calderón President of Mexico Leading the charge against the drug cartels in Mexico