The National Prostate Cancer Coalition Setting the Course for a Cure
NPCC – Quick History Started in 1996 by a group of survivors, doctors and philanthropists to address the need for significant federal investments in prostate cancer research.
NPCC’s Mission End the devastating impact of prostate cancer on men, their families and communities through awareness, outreach and advocacy
PCa & BCa Deaths and Funding
Growth in Prostate Cancer Cases
How We Do It – Public Policy Public Policy is responsible for increasing federal funding at the agencies that conduct prostate cancer research Department of Defense National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Department of Veterans Affairs Public Policy also advocates for health-related issues that affect the prostate cancer community
How We Do It – Field Operations Develop a strategic network across the nation by engaging and organizing individuals and groups that will support NPCC program, policy, marketing and funding objectives on the locally and nationally. Partners include: AFL-CIO Laborers Health and Safety Fund NAACP National Alliance for Hispanic Health National Urban League United States Conference of Mayors VFW Vietnam Veterans of America State Coalitions: California Prostate Cancer Coalition State Coalitions in: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York State, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Texas, Virginia and Washington State
How We Do It – Drive Against Prostate Cancer The only nationwide mobile medical clinic for prostate cancer early detection Work with local sponsors and community leaders to promote each event. Partner with local medical facilities to staff the vehicle with doctors and phlebotomists, as well as prostate cancer survivors who help at many of the events. Ensure each man receives his test result in a timely manner and that he has the proper follow-up care, if needed. Promote the program to various organizations across the country in order to schedule additional days of screening DAPC screened 7,233 men in 2003 for free
How We Do It -- Communications Awareness Raise awareness about prostate cancer issues, such as early detection, disease burden, federal funding of a cure and methods of possible prevention through print, broadcast and online media. Publicity Brand the National Prostate Cancer Coalition as the nation’s largest non- profit organization that works to end prostate cancer as a threat to men and their families – through awareness, outreach and advocacy. Partnerships Establish partnerships with celebrities, public figures and prostate cancer survivors to serve as spokespeople, merchandise donors and advocacy participants. Resource Serve as an informational source for prostate cancer survivors through our programs, website and twice weekly newsletter, Aware.
How We Do It – Communications Media Exposure Over 1 billion media impressions in print and online coverage and a radio and television market of over 250 million viewers and listeners. Media Awareness Campaigns for 2003 “Do it for Dad!” awareness media campaign; “National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month;” “Take a Swing Against Prostate Cancer;” Rudolph Giuliani Public Service Announcements. Complete Redesign of NPCC Website and Newsletter Aware Our twice weekly newsletter Aware now reaches nearly 30,000 people – an increase of nearly 25,000 readers per issue from 2002.
How We Do It – Marketing Partners Take a Swing Against Prostate Cancer program with Merck and Major League Baseball. The program is an awareness campaign to educate people about prostate cancer risk factors. In 2003, programs spokesmen were Lou Piniella and Ozzie Smith. Blue ribbon appears on mushroom packages to encourage healthy eating to promote prostate health. Weider Nutritionals sponsored an educational campaign in major newspapers and magazines as well as nearly a month of DAPC screenings NPCC is part of the Gillette NASCAR Young Guns campaign for 2004
What Can You Do? Join the 25,000+ people that keep up-to- date on prostate cancer with our FREE, twice-weekly electronic newsletter -- aware Sign-up at
What Can You Do? Use our free, web- based Contact Congress service to tell your federal representatives about the importance of finding a cure for prostate cancer at
What Can You Do at Home? Get involved in the California Prostate Cancer Coalition 1710 Webster St. Oakland, CA
What Can You Do? You can make a tax- deductible contribution to the National Prostate Cancer Coalition. One dollar given to NPCC is leveraged into $250 in federal funds to find a cure for prostate cancer.