Microbiology ICE Requesting: Index of Topics The Common Request Panel Labelling Samples
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Common Request Panel Use this page as your primary means of generating ICE requests. Microbiological investigations are presented on the Pathology Panel as Collections rather than single tests.. Microbiology collections are the main categories of tests that are submitted from General Practice to a Microbiology laboratory. Choose one of these links to go to a page where you can select from a lists of relevant tests and be asked to supply any essential information.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Collections Examples: Urine for MC & S HVS, Triple Swab, Chlamydia Diarrhoea, Parasites, C diff, Enteric viruses Hepatitis, HIV Wound Swab, Joint Fluid MRSA Screening Sputum, Cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis Nails, hair
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Urine for Microscopy, Culture & Sens Most of the time requestors will use this collection for Urine microscopy, culture & sensitivity Chlamydia & Gonococcal NAAT are usually selected from the Genital collection
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Urine for Microscopy, Culture & Sens On selecting one of the test options, boxes will appear asking for further details. This data is important in order that specimens can be tested appropriately and will enable Microbiologists to interpret results and add appropriate comments. Essential Information: Specimen type, required as results from MSU and CSU are interpreted differently. Details of complicated UTI’s Current antibiotics, to allow the correct sensitivities to be tested and reported
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Genital Samples This collection lists the common types of specimen requested in General Practice from which single (eg HVS only) or multiple investigations (eg triple swabs) can be made . All options require you to enter any relevant details from picklists, this is to ensure that the sample is tested appropriately in the laboratory. For the more uncommon sites, Select the ‘Specify Site’ option and choose one from the picklist. Selecting Chlamydia/Gonococcal or Chlamydia NAAT requires you to specify from a wider list of relevant sample types.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Faeces MC & S The pattern of requesting of enteric tests in Primary Care shows that an initial request of MC & S is usually made and further tests are added by either the requestor or the laboratory. This test selection is based on symptoms, duration, age & travel history plus other risk factors. The ICE Enteric collection has been set up to reflect that process with Enteric Virology & C diff Toxin added by a combination of rules and choices that are presented to the requestor. At the end of the process any tests deemed inappropriate may be deselected. If C diff only is required, this can be selected from the front screen
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Enteric (Faeces) Collection Clicking MC & S brings up the Enteric Rule Panel. Answer the questions and click OK. Enteric Help Picklists to provide essential information
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Enteric (Faeces) Collection Clinical Details: The choices determine how the sample is processed in the laboratory .Please select the most appropriate item from the drop down list.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Enteric (Faeces) Collection Risk Factors: The choices determine how the sample is processed in the laboratory. Please select the most appropriate item from the drop down list.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Enteric (Faeces) Collection A further rule dialogue appears asking if a C diff Toxin test is required Answer Yes or No by clicking the appropriate button
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Enteric (Faeces) Collection Finally an enteric test panel appears with an appropriate test selection based on the details that have been entered. Any tests deemed inappropriate may be deselected at this stage.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Serology (Blood Tests) The serology collection contains all of the commonly requested tests from which requestors can make multiple selections. The help banner displays useful information about each test to help you make your selection Roll the mouse pointer over the tests to see the relevant information in the help banner
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Serology (Blood Tests) The serology collection contains all of the commonly requested tests from which requestors can make multiple selections. A Hepatitis ABC Screen (acute hepatitis) would look like this.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S The Swab collection contains all the commonly requested sample types for Culture & Sensitivity. Each sample type is treated differently in the laboratory to ensure that appropriate organisms can be cultured. Select the appropriate sample type.. When multiple wound sites are sampled up to 4 swabs can be included on a single request Depending on this choice you will be asked for further information.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S Selecting a single wound swab (Wound Swab Sample 1) will require you to enter a site and any current antibiotics There are too are too many possible wound sites to list so these should be entered in freetext in the box provided. Please state any current antibiotic treatment. This is important to guarantee that appropriate sensitivities are reported.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S ‘Wound Swab Multiple’ allows up to 4 swabs on a single request A dialogue box will ask how many. You will be asked to provide a site (in freetext) for each sample… …and any current antibiotic treatment (first sample only)
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S ‘Wound Swab Multiple’ when all the information has been entered the collection of 3 wound swab appears.. Click OK and Continue with request When multiple wound swabs are selected, please ensure that ‘Global Clinical Details’ are entered at the end of the ICE requesting process
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S Specific information is required for swab types/sites other than wound swabs.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Swabs & Fluids for MC & S Certain conditions can affect how a sample is processed in the laboratory. We ask you to select one of these from a drop- down list of relevant conditions. If nothing appropriate can be found please select ’? Infection’.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: MRSA Screening A single MRSA request may include up to 6 swabbing sites on one order. However, as the commonest practice is to submit either the Nose/perineum combo or just a single swab these options are included on the MRSA collection. If the multiple site option (up to 6) is selected, a dialogue box asking how many samples will appear:
Microbiology ICE Requesting: MRSA Screening You will be asked to enter a sample site via this drop-down list For every sample (1 – 6)
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Sputum MC & S Sputum samples are submitted for culture & sensitivity from a variety of clinical backgrounds which are processed differently in the laboratory. Two of the commonest conditions are bronchiectasis and Cystic fibrosis and these can be selected from this collection otherwise ‘Routine Sputum ‘should be chosen.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Sputum MC & S You will be asked to supply details of current antibiotic therapy… ..and clinical details for a routine sputum.
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Mycology (Fungal MC & S) This is a collection of the most common samples sent for mycology. When Nail is selected you will be asked if it is from finger or toe. When skin or hair is selected you will be asked if the patient has Pityriasis versicolor
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Labelling Samples Microbiology requests include a wide range of sample types. It is important to attach the correct label to the sample container. 01/01/2000 123 456 9999 SMITH John The Form Label This should be attached to the bag or request card
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Labelling Samples Microbiology requests include a wide range of sample types. It is important to attach the correct label to the sample container. The Sample Label This should be attached to Sample container 01/01/2000 123 456 9999 SMITH Jane Includes: Sample type or container Tests requested
Microbiology ICE Requesting: Labelling Samples Microbiology requests use three different number series. It is important to attach the correct label to the sample container. 01/01/2000 123 456 9999 SMITH Jane 01/01/2000 123 456 9999 SMITH Jane 01/01/2000 123 456 9999 SMITH Jane Samples for MC & S: Urine Swabs Stools Sputum Get an MIC number Blood samples for: Hepatitis HIV Rubella …etc Get an SER number Virology Samples; Chlamydia Chlamydia & GC Virology swabs …etc Get a VIR number