PROMOTING A COMMUNITY OF INCLUSION & UNDERSTANDING Rogue Community College Diversity Programming Board
RCC Diversity Programming Board Mission Statement The mission of the Rogue Community College Diversity Programming Board is to promote a community of inclusion and understanding by providing educational activities that honor and support students and staff in the areas of age, gender, religion, ability, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation and family structure.
Awareness Leadership and guidance Support diversity
EDUCATIONAL Leadership Inclusive and tolerant campus culture student retention.
Approach to Learning
INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES Critical Thinking Students can recognize own and others’ assumptions and cultural contexts, raise significant and relevant questions, demonstrate an ability to seek, organize, analyze, and interpret data, foresee consequences of actions, and engage in behaviors that support sustainability.
INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES Application of Knowledge Students will synthesize and use knowledge in familiar and unfamiliar situations to effectively solve problems and complete tasks.
DAVID WEST SEVENTH GENERATION DIVERSITY AWARD Rogue Community College bestows the David West Seventh Generation Diversity Award to RCC staff/ faculty members who have shown a deep commitment to the values of diversity, inclusiveness, fair and principled leadership, and who have influenced the lives of students and staff through honoring diversity and in celebrating the richness of our college community. This award was established in honor of David West, June 15, 2001.
- Open-mindedness: listen to and respect all points of view - Acceptance: suspend judgment as best you can - Curiosity: seek to understand rather than persuade or convert - Respect Diversity: agree to disagree and move on - Discovery: question old assumptions, look for new insights - Brevity: go for honesty and depth, but don't go on and on - Sincerity: speak only for yourself about what has personal meaning (Adapted from
COMMENTS FROM OUR PROGRAMS These programs help us see others in a more educated light which helps me understand fellow students Enlightening, informational, educational, very mind opening Life changing It reminded me to be tolerant of those that I may disagree with and to view with an open mind
TAILORING OUR PROGRAMS TO HELP YOUNGER STUDENTS UNDERSTAND DIVERSITY Bring speakers to your campus and ask them to hone down their presentation to meet the needs for your student body. Have dialoging following you event with your speaker/presenter. It’s powerful, engaging, and fun