Delibašić M, Kraft K, Chair of Complementary medicine, University of Rostock, Germany
To evaluate the effect of therapy with DENAS (dynamic-electro- neuro-adaptive-stimulation) in patients with unspecific chronic neck pain Design: Bicentre observational study Standard treatment + DENAS NSAID intake unchanged Standardised study protocol Informed consent Setting: In-patients of an 1. Orthopaedic rehabilitation clinic (clinic 1: male and female) 2. Rehabilitation clinic for mother and child (clinic 2: only females)
Inclusion Age: years Chronic unspecific neck pain as main/add. diagnosis Visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain between 3-10 cm at day of inclusion Exclusion Specific neckpain Inflammatory or rheumatic disease Somatoform pain disorder Metallic implant in the upper body area Uncontrolled arterial hypertension Larger skin injuries or acute skin diseases in the cervical spine area Acute infection, tumor Recent postoperative state in the cervical spine area Alcohol or substance abuse Recent aplication of acupuncture, neural- or electrotherapy in the cervical spine region
VAS (10 point scale): Main evaluation parameter SES (standard pain perception scale, sensory and affective subdivision) (Edgar Geissner: Hogrefe 1996) General rating of tolerability (patient)
[Nr. of diagnoses]
±1.6 ±1.8 [cm] ±1.2 ±1.7 ±2.2
±26.1 [%] p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) <0.001 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.02 ∑N=85 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.02 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.03
Adverse events Patients (N) Therapy Nr. Relation to DENAS Muscle tension 21.unknown Headache unknown Itching and burning 11.Yes: Overdose
During rehabilitation DENAS is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for patients with chronic unspecific neck pain. It can be integrated without any problems into the regular treatment process in rehabilitation clinics in Germany. During rehabilitation, treatment with DENAS is able to substitute other time consuming or personnel-intensive treatments